Nick Anderson for December 10, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    ’bout right

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  2. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    Barry’s hurt the economy enough already.

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  3. 1969 cv peace
    Subversive  over 10 years ago

    But if they raise the minimum wage to an actual living wage, I might have to pay a few more cents for my big mac and fries.

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  4. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Your comment makes one see an odd comparison between fiefdoms and congressional districts. Serfs Up!Money is a finite resource, therefore, it does matter how much of it is available to everyone with a need for its original usage, to barter for goods and services. Using it to gamble on the difference in value between national currencies seems to make a lot of people very wealthy, but produces no goods and no services.I actually support a two tiered minimum wage, one for high school students and college students living at home, and one for the majority of actual minimum wage recipients, people over 30 with children and/or other family members for whom they care.Those who defend the right of the individual to have ALL of the bartering tools, i.e., money, will find conflict with the words of Jesus, Mohammed, and even Buddha. Justice would have the man on top of the pile of money falling to the ground and breaking his neck… not for being wealthy, but for how he is treating the man at the bottom.Respectfully,C.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Not as much as his (the minimum wage guy) incompetence and sloth are….

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  6. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Great toon. Showing it like it is

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  7. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 10 years ago

    What about the tens of millions of people that have worked hard, come to work on time, and done a good job to earn raises and EARN more than minimum wage. Are they supposed to just be happy about the fact that any new employee with a pulse is making as much as them or are they going to get raises from the magic money tree too?

    I was a manager of a service business when I was younger. I worked hard to get there and I worked hard to get busier stores and reached the top of my market. One day the company decides to raise the minimum manager salary by 5k and in the swipe of a pen all new managers at lower volume, weaker performing stores were making as much as I made with a lot of hard work and extra hours. I could have quit, but I stuck it out and pushed for another promotion and moved up again in the company.

    A minimum wage job is a starting point and not meant to be a career position to support a family. If you have a family you have a responsibilty to better yourself and earn more to support it.

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  8. Weather s coming 3
    DOUGLAS G THOMAS Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Perhaps you are unaware of what happened when Henry Ford raised his workers’ wages to $5 a day in 1914, essentially doubling what other auto makers were paying their workers.

    Look it up.

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  9. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 10 years ago

    In a just society " Working Poor" would be an oxymoron

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  10. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    “He’s just reflecting the way Faux reports the “news.”

    Obamacare MIGHT cost people more.

    Obamacare MAY result in higher deductibles.

    It SEEMS like young people aren’t signing up.

    We BELIEVE this will hurt the economy."-————————————————————Actually “Dr” these thing are ALREADY happening. Wake up!

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  11. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  over 10 years ago

    “I thought Candians were upset that those in the US have usurped the phrase “American” when we both live in North America? :-)”

    Try that out on the next Canadian you meet – You’ll be instantly enlightened.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    A slightly different “view”: Government, and many companies, for many decades has provided for salary increases as a “flat rate” across the board. When a 5% increase is mandated by Congress for employees, those at the bottom making a (hypothetical) $10 K a year get the same percentage as a “manager” making $100 K. Which one gets more grocery money? And who needs it most?

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  13. Missing large
    oneoldhat  over 10 years ago

    i have a great idea dtroutma starts a fast food resturant and pays $15.00 per hours

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  14. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Yes, there is pretty conclusive proof that poverty breeds dumb. While that is harsh, it is true. . on, and on. Look, TTM and the other Progressives, it isn’t that I get some peverted pleasure out of pointing this out, but rather it is simply true. Poverty and low income breed stupid. It is almost a self feeding pair of problems. If you aren’t particularly smart you are more likely to end up poor and once poor your progeny are likely to be dumb and poor too.Simply providing more money doesn’t fix this immediately. A better start to fixing this is making a situation where the poor can gain an ownership stake in society through property ownership and increasing stability in their lives. Early opportunities for the poor in education help them far more than with the middle or upper class where such programs are often marginal in effect. Exposing children in poor families early to a greater range of experiances and in particular things like reading are important to breaking the poverty cycle..As to productivity: It is up largely due to automation and vastly improved processes in manufacturing rather than workers themselves being more productive by working harder. Instead, they are working smarter and often because the way they are doing something has been optimized.

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  15. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Okay ahab you gave me two sites with long lists of unrelated articles to look through. Something in particular you are showing me in those?Your third source is a blog with a list of items on it. I really do not feel like going through twenty something plus items and discussing them. That is just too much effort for too little return.But, the bulk of what I did find on your links concurs with my position: Poverty breeds dumb..1opinion: Thank you very much for that very nice personal insult. I enjoyed it.

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  16. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Stupid people from poor families have a hard time. Stupid people from rich families generally do okay. Some of them get elected president.

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  17. Missing large
    victoria2  over 10 years ago

    Amen to Spicy Nacho

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  18. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I never said life is unfair, that is your Mantra.-Isn’t it time to stop blaming Bush?-All nurses can’t start at the top hospitals right out of college and there are not many nurses with degrees making $9/hour. Many of these people with Masters working at retail should have been a little more realistic on the degree they chose to pursue. There has to be some personal responsiblity.-My story is not window dressing, but one of many unintended consequences that you ignore or can’t understand.

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  19. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 10 years ago

    retorted with “”lonecat: Bush is head and shoulders smarter than Obama."

    I note that lonecat didn’t have to mention it was GW Bush he was referring to but you connected the dots for him. Telling, eh?

    @ 1opinion scoffed at mdavis’s reply, “lonecat: Bush is head and shoulders smarter than Obama.”comeon, Bush is smarter than a bottle of shampoo.


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  20. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    In my view, minimum wage should not be figured compared to other wages, but compared to a reasonable standard of managing to get along without being in poverty. The idea is that everyone who is willing to work a full-time job should be able to manage. I’m not calling for equality of compensation. But if you establish what would generally and reasonably be considered the minimum for not being in poverty, and then work up from that, then things should work out. So rather than setting the minimum by starting with poverty wages and working down, you start with above poverty wages and work up.

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  21. Missing large
    echoraven  over 10 years ago

    Did you actually read the article? It said if the wages were doubled it would lean to increased automation. A larger demand for that automation technology.

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