Jeff Stahler for November 21, 2013

  1. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    I think they should be more worried they are all living in a rented basement apartment because they couldn’t afford a decent place to live due to the cost of their Obamacare plan…

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Well, Genome, that’s because the cost of living in those states is much lower than in the Bluest of the Blue (ie., bastions of Progressive Leftist thinking) states.. have to be much higher in Blue states to allow people living there to have enough left over after being taxed, paying more for everything else to not be in complete poverty..For what you can rent a good apartment in Houston or Phoenix you can’t get a rent controlled studio apartment in a slum in New York City….

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  3. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Did this not use to be the norm , as people aged or when they needed a bit of help was not family the answer.There is some truth to this. Times change & not always for the better. But grandparents are more likely to choose to move to Arizona as they are to move in with their kids & grandkids.In the past, people did not live as long and we didn’t have advanced medical care to keep people alive the way we do now. Years ago, cancer or a heart attack meant death. Now, people can live for years despite these ailments, but may need 24×7 care.Once upon a time, one wage was enough to support most households, meaning someone had time to look after aging parents. Not so common anymore…I like your point, but it’s not quite so simple. I’m guessing you don’t live with your kids & grandkids, though I believe you’ve stayed close.

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