Chip Bok for November 01, 2013

  1. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  over 10 years ago

    About 80% aren’t effected – they’re covered by employee plans (and aren’t eligible to enroll in ACA). About 14% will now be eligible for coverage they couldn’t get before About 3 % could get cancellations by their insurers but can get than get enroll to get similar coverage. That leaves about 3% that who will have to get new plans that are significantly different. Many of those have only had coverage for a year or were in plans that didn’t cover what they might need.Sorry for any of you folks who can’t enroll through a state exchange because your governor is anti-Obama even when it is against your interests. Move to another state!

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  2. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    The Dems will have to own it, but the Republicans will have to own the fact they offered nothing since Mr. Romney was Gov of Mass.The ACA is messed up and needs repair. But a system where a huge segment of the population goes without healthcare at all, gets no preventative healthcare to keep them from getting unhealthy, and often gets the healthcare they won’t be able to pay for at an ER where their health is already so bad, they many not survive the rescue. Death Panel by lack of knowledge preventative care would have provided and on which they could have acted.The ACA needs repair. The Dems can’t fix it alone. Republicans need to sit down with the Dems in the relevant committees and have hearing with doctors, pharmacists, medical tech firms, insurance companies, and other related experts. They need to look at the hospitals and doctor offices across the nation where best practices are being put to use and adapt those practices while allowing states the flexibility to continue experimentation and innovation to find even better practices.Instead of burning down the house, let’s work together to fix it. We may have to tear down some walls and shore up the foundation, but if we work together with intelligence and respect, we can build a wonderful thing.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    There is an interesting analogy: if you want to know if a fighter jet is a good investment, you can ask the brass at the Pentagon, or you can ask the pilots and mechanics who have to work with the thing. Who will give you a better answer? Yet, who do we ask?

    Same thing in health care. We seem to believe that people with Masters’ in Public Health, insurance executives, and lobbyists for big pharma and medical associations, none of whom have ever seen a patient, are better able to determine health care decisions than those of us who are in the trenches, daily having our reimbursements reduced while being expected to do more.

    Who could have predicted failure?

    Are we smart enough to learn from our mistakes?

    Here’s a better idea! Let’s talk about how things are falling apart and decide who’s to blame……and so it goes……

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  4. Pnutbowlavatar
    Thomas R. Williams  over 10 years ago

    A medical caduceus should have only one snake. The other staff has two because it belongs to Mercury, who was both a healer and a psychopomp; his staff bore both the healing snake and the killing one.

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  5. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Please provide a link, Tigger. Single payer has been toted as a superior product by many, but not by anyone in the legislature of whom I’m aware.Thank you,C.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    Well done. Congratulations on your predictive prowess. Now, what numbers should I bet on Powerball this Saturday?

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  7. Missing large
    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    Tigger, your rants are completely disproved by facts on the ground. Polls show the ACA improving in popularity the more conservatives slobber and rant incoherently.

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  8. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    What you find amusing I find heartrending, Ansonia. It may not surprise you that I am in contact with people in Europe, Asia, and even the Middle east. Those nations with singlepayer healthcare plans are prefectly happy. There are no stockholders or politicians getting money from it, but those who are going for healthcare are happy. They do not feel their quality of life to be threatened or lessened because of it.Unless you reach out and truly educate yourself on what is happening in Sweden, Norway and other nations, your perspective is going to be limited.^@ Bruce4671 – When did I give Mr. Obama a pass? The “Tech Savvy” president fails again. He’s letting veterans suffer delays in their benefits because of puter probs, and having not learned from that fiasco, has done the same thing with the ACA. That said, the house he provided is providing a roof for people who didn’t have one before. It may be leaky and on a cracked foundation, but it can be repaired. It is only because i don’t believe the Rs will replace the ACA with a better product that I call for repair over repeal. Show me what your side will build in its place, and I can agree with you. But I do not trust promises, no matter which party provides them.^@ cubefarmer – as I stated above, cubefarmer, my Euro contacts tell me they like their medical coverage. Provide citations to the contrary if you want to educate me. If you just want to tell me I’m wrong…. get in line.Respectfully,C.

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  9. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    All I am asking, Mr. Labe, is that before the whole thing is scrapped to the bedrock, is what the conservatives will replace it with.Is that too much to ask?I agree it is not the product the USA needs, but in the absence of anything else… what will replace it?Please lower your weapon and answer the question.Respectfully,C.btw, i replied to your question from yesterday as well.

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  10. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    I just discovered you didn’t reply to my reply to you under Nick Anderson yesterday, Mr. Labe.You’re quick with your gun, but you shoot from the lip.I provide an email for those who want to actually have a conversation. It is Do you want to talk, or do you want to troll? This is not an antagonism. I truly want to know if you want to discuss the future of our nation, or if you just want to yank chains. If it is the former, create an email address, and write to me. If it is the latter, then we are done, and you can join Ima, Onguard, and others to whom I no longer respond. A small bird, with a big gun, and no solutions.Your move sir.Respectfully,C.

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