John Deering for October 12, 2013

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    Besides being disgusting, you are apparently illiterate. The comic is about the threatened default. And you obviously know nothing about Anthropogenic Global Warming.

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    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    And the longer this government shutdown continues, and any kind of non raising of the debt limit goes on, the worse it will be for all concerned. But politically, it will be (just look at the latest pols) far harder on Congress, and especially the Republicans in general. And the worst hit will be reserved for the tea party type ultra conservatives (sorry, normal ultra conservatives, I don’t mean to be insulting). I can not believe that it will be allowed to get even close to the holiday season, let alone through the holiday season. But, if it should happen to, then the Republican Party is truly doomed in 2014. And that is regardless of any gerrymandering or vote suppression, even in the south.

    You can have all of the ideology you want, but if you fool with American business profits, then you are going to be out of there!!! And American business is smart enough to know that the problem is being caused by these tea party types in the Republican Party. Heck, I read somewhere that the Koch brothers are now telling these people that they might just lose their support financially. Money talks, and big money talks loudest!!

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    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    Gee, as the majority of Americans are not Republicans (not necessarily Democrats either, but certainly not Republicans). And an even greater majority are not the ultra conservative tea party type of Republicans that you seem to favor so very much. So, what you are saying in your deliriums, is that the vast majority of Americans are neither responsible nor working?

    Companies that are doing well with such irresponsible non working people as that, such as Boeing would sure like to talk to such a genius as you. You alone could obviously solve any and all of their labor problems!!

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  4. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 10 years ago

    The sad thing is that people will believe the dire warnings when nothing is going to happen…

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