Matt Davies for August 01, 2013

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Legal immigration: OKILLEGAL immigration: Not OK.Why is this such a hard concept?.Try going into another country illegally and demand your rights from them…go on….see what happens….

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    People like Davies think that if you’re for enforcing laws, then you are an extremist. Very sad little world they live in.

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  3. Chickpea200
    ChickPea57 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Does it not bother anyone that your entire county was founded by illegal immigrants?

    If “we were here first” is the rule, then the Native Americans should help you pack (mind you, they probably came from Asia, but there was no-one there when they arrived).

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    Brutatowski  almost 11 years ago

    One of the reasons that illegal immigration is so problematic is that these people are not innoculated against certain diseases s we are here in America. Doctors are seeing things they haven’t seen in years.The other problem that “progressives” conveniently overlook is that we have caught members of Alqueida coming across the border.

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    Illegally hiring foreign nationals illegally visiting the USA results in few penalties for those doing the hiring and those penalties appear to be an acceptable cost of doing business. Yet it is only by making it an unacceptable cost of doing business that we can end the ofttimes suicidal migration across deserts and open waters that has brought us to this point once again. The last Amnesty was supposed to be followed up by penalties for those hiring people for agriculture, lawn care, nannys, etc. Both parties listened to their lobbyists and reduced or eliminated such penalties. Those who do not learn from history, repeat it.Respectfully,C.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @braindead08So, is that your excuse to look the other way and allow it to keep happening?

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @moderateisntleftMaybe it needs help or not. But that doesn’t excuse the illegals to come to our country and demand rights and get on the welfare system!

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  8. Cat7
    rockngolfer  almost 11 years ago

    I apparently didn’t understand yesterday’s comic.Today’s is funny. Don’t change the message, just change the way you present it, and I’m sure the illegal aliens will all self deport.

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    wiserd  almost 11 years ago

    This issue is very complex, but in short;

    Genome Project -“There(sic) living. I pay them”

    Most illegals are not paying all their taxes for one thing. For another thing, this nation effectively subsidizes poorer Americans. They get more from the government than they pay in. So poor immigration has a lot of hidden costs that sink the notion that illegal immigrants are good for the economy. (I’m fine with humanitarian arguments. ) But the point still holds, without illegals you can still get your gutters cleaned. There are no “jobs that Americans won’t do” as some racist Mexicans like to claim. There are not even any industries that are +50% illegal immigrant. If you truly want cheap labor as your highest goal, why not argue against the minimum wage and at least be consistent? Alternately, if your personal economic good is truly your highest goal (it isn’t mine), you’d be better off with illegal immigrants guest workers than citizens.

    “Move to their dream country. Somalia if they’re a libertarian or China if they’re a fascist.”-David

    What the heck is with people claiming conservatives want America to be like Somalia? I’m more of a centrist myself, and I can still see how blatantly deceptive that claim is. You can’t tell me that the Somali government revolves around the notion of individual rights. You can’t (honestly) tell me their culture is similar to the more conservative portions of America.

    There was a point in time when internstate commerce laws couldn’t regulate what a person grew in their back yard, when government spending was much less, etc. Even with their lower level of technology and a lower standard of living for everyone on the globe, America was still not Somalia because it had very different laws and a different culture. BOTH of those things matter.

    How many mainstream conservatives do you actually see holding up Somalia as a model? There were a fair number of Americans on the hard left who held up the Soviet Union as a model. They genuinely preferred that system of government, and demonstrated that preference based on their own choices.

    I’m not defending conservative economics or social agendas here. I just think that this particular argument is a strawman and totally out to lunch. But it will not die.

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  10. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 11 years ago

    It’s very simple, the GOP wants to keep them illegal so they can underpay them.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I do ALL my OWN home repairs, thank you. Oh, and thank you too for once again proving you have NO idea what you’re talking about…as usual…

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    Bearfist  almost 11 years ago

    Amazing. None of the conservative voters here get it. They continue on like lemmings. ’Ain’t nothun gonna change my world’ to the end of the world. Amazing but not surprising. Please, don’t ever change.

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