Michael Ramirez for May 05, 2013

  1. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 11 years ago

    I may not know what I’m talking about here, but it seems to me that the drug cartels are the biggest user of military grade weapons which were supposedly sold to them by the our government. And yet it’s the government making the biggest noise about gun control and background checks. Perhaps we’re doing this wrong and it should be the NRA that exerts control over how the government manages its weapon management system ( or lack of management thereof).

    We seem to be having a problem allowing the government to control guns… perhaps we should listen to a differing option by the other guy which seems to be about responsible ownership and operation rather than just talking and pointing fingers when they can’t do anything to make it better. One thing the NRA condemns is the glorification of gun use in movies and video games.

    That’s just my opinion… I could be wrong.

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  2. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 11 years ago

    Sorry onguard, my views don’t lean to either side of the political spectrum. The major political parties, both are equally as competent/incompetent as its rival; and as for Fox News… they are as biased to their party affiliations as Huffington Post is to theirs. I suggest you regulate your FACTS without biased party perspectives. I’ve read some of yours as well as other biased rants regarding party affiliations and I’m not impressed by either.

    Perhaps you should …Read it, then criticize it with AN OPEN MIND, if you can.

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  3. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 11 years ago

    Sorry for the apparent lapse in communications… There has been so much written regarding these incidents, I omitted some details which I wrongly assumed is common knowledge and I failed to clarify. You are, of course, correct.

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  4. Missing large
    onceisenough  almost 11 years ago

    Radish is right……. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN…………..make no sense.

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  5. Missing large
    Quipss  almost 11 years ago

    Assuming no guns come from USA to mexico ( lets ignore large portions of US gun manufacturers within 100km of the mexican border. There still is that inconsequential that the USA by far and by large is the consumer of the drugs that the cartels are fighting to sell to

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  6. Missing large
    Quipss  almost 11 years ago

    Challenge accepted good sir.

    So, here is the rebuttal.

    The statistic that 90% of guns are traced to the USA remains true.

    However what is brought into question is that

    a) About half of guns are untraceableb) 2/3s of guns are untraced

    I will say 90% seems too high, that said 17% is a bit low.

    Referring to B)

    Statistically unless there is reason to differentiate between those sent to trace and those not sent to trace sampling 1/3 of a population is considered to be very accurate for total population. Within a margin of +-1%, the reason 100% may not be tested is because there is an associated cost ( same reason why polling does not cover entire population )

    So considering 5,114 of 11,000 guns. you apply the small number to the greater population you get 46.4% of guns are traceable back to the USA. That is assuming that of the unidentifiable population none of them are american.

    Finally since unless almost all of remaining population is sold by a single other country the USA is still the largest seller

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  7. Coffee cup
    coffee_mom11  almost 11 years ago

    Oh he’s not lying . . not if you understand his definition of “criminals” to be those striving to uphold the laws . . . rather than his brainwashed cronies who can do no “wrong” . . .

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