Robert Ariail for April 11, 2013

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    A NK expert said that children learn math with problems like 2 dead Americans plus 2 dead Americans equals how many dead Americans? Remarkable what a restrictive gov’t can do if they control what children learn.^It’s too bad Mr. Bush and Cheney were distracted in Iraq while NK was testing its first nuclear explosion.Respectfully,C.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Your second comment is great. Delete the first one, you’re just making an uncivil ego happy.I think Gandhi and Jesus would agree with me. ;)Appreciatively,C.

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 11 years ago

    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Obama has been reacting to GOP obstructionism, “bypassing” Congress with executive orders, as have every president sinre they were first used. I believe Bush II used more than anyone. And it was Nixon who said, “If the President does it, that makes it legal”

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    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    The simple fact is that under the “Clinton model” of granting fuel and food, NK DID suspend their nuclear program, and dismantled several production and test facilities. In came “W”, and of course Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, and the “peace brigade” to shut down the program and launch insults at N. Korea, Iran, Iraq, et al,, start two needless wars, and proclaim themselves “Kings of the World”.

    All those upset when folks “blame Bush”, should look at the REAL record and realize there are MANY REASONS VALID ONES, for “blaming Bush” for the damage his administration has done to the nation, and the world. Just ask Colin Powell and others with reputations, and careers, destroyed by that regime.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Swr, I can’t recall having noticed your posts for awhile. You have an unkind way of making your point, and I find that people who deal in absolutes rarely want a dialectic conversation. Are you as certain of your position as your comments imply?^Jesus didn’t like pharisees very much. He felt they hid behind their self righteousness and used their “holier than thou” attitude to judge everyone else. Jesus also didn’t like moneychangers who made their money off of the labor and toil of people who actually produced something. He did seem to like everybody else. He was often criticized for associating with ‘sinners’.^Your words reminded me of a song….^^Take care, swr.peacefully,C.

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