Bob Gorrell for March 01, 2013

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Which would be true if the second and third had actually said “No” instead of “Okay, this much. Now it’s your turn.”

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    wcssharpe  about 11 years ago

    Possibly the most accurate political cartoon of the day!

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    Mom of 5  about 11 years ago

    O.K.prior to the sequester the GOP (Boehner) said yes to cutting the military spending and another hot topic just to get Obama to sign it along with the Dems. Now the sequester is in effect the GOP wants to add in only the things they cut. Forgetting the sharing the load idea. Why am I not surprised. The GOP spend 4 hours a day fund raising for themselves. (Vice President Gore speaking in San Francisco last month told us that when the new GOP members of congress and the house come in, they spend their first day in a meeting telling them how to spend 25 hours a week fundraising so they can get elected again). Now I believe that but what fries me the most is the GOP wasting my tax dollars by not doing the job we elected them to do. I pay their salary for 8 hours a day and not working to fund raise the funds they personally use to get reelected. Oh wait a minute, all the GOP Senators are Millionaires. Funny not all the Dems are. When you have only 4 hours a day to work it’s no wonder you have nothing to show for it. The GOP have spent the last few years doing the least amount possible. Sad.

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