FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for March 02, 2013

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  over 11 years ago

    REX MORGAN: Who is Shamu and how does Rex have time to workout to develop those muscles?

    APT3G: It seems the Evan angle won’t be presented and Margo doesn’t seem surprised that Greg knows about Eric (she mentioned him while she was drunk).

    MARY WORTH: Should the comic be re-named “Mother Worth”? And where are Mary’s own child(ren)?

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  over 11 years ago

    Comics Kingdom is working this morning.Phantom – Monday we’ll see the kitty start purring.Mark Trail – The evidence is inadmissible in court because the boy entered without permission.Judge Parker – Zzzzzz.Mandrake – Let’s see Mandrake hypnotically gesture his way out of this one.Rex Morgan – Good question Arye. Who is Shamu?

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  3. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Rex Morgan – they’ll let Junior take some responsibility and work this out with Melissa while Rex and June visit SeaWorld and the famous orca Shamu.

    Mark Trail – having read Mark Trail as long as i can remember, why am I put off by the predictability of this story?

    Phantom – the crypt of Skull Cave

    Mary – last night I was at the drug store getting items for my sick daughter. I saw a friend from my gym, a young woman who has lost a considerable amount of weight and we’re very proud of her. I told her why I was there and she asked if I was buying chicken soup. If I was to use this for my daughter’s illness I’d make home-made as canned soups have too much sodium.

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  4. My boys
    woodworker318  over 11 years ago

    @Arye and davidf42: Shamu is the performing whale at Sea World at San Diego.

    Mark Trail: Didn’t they ever teach Rusty that it is illegal to enter some ones property without their permission? That is known as breaking and entering. He will now look in the tank and see the fish that Catfish puts on Rod’s hook. Next, Catfish will catch him in the van. Same old story

    Phantom: Have to wait until Mon. I don’t know if the plot will advance much even then. Might take to the end of the week.

    Mary Worth: Unbelieveable.

    Rex Morgan: Rex is right, let Junior be the hero. Rex has been one enough this week end.

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  5. Th
    marvee  over 11 years ago

    Rex – Right. Junior gets to take leadership as well as responsibility. Rex and June will at last get to enjoy the weekend, I hope. Maybe Sarah will call on her cell phone.Judge – I hope that is Ned and Thalia.Mark Trail and Mary Worth – I agree with comments above.Phantom – Interestng to see the crypt as Phantom thinks his end is near. If the cat was going to attack, I think she would have done it by now.

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