Tom Toles for January 30, 2013

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    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    That’s what happens when the government runs things.

    Wait until you try to see an actual doctor under Barrak-Care next year.

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    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    Late October was more than 27 days ago.I hope everyone remembers the Sandy 36 when election day comes again.

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    There are no “government doctors” under Obamacare. They’re private health plans, run by private companies, for private profit. That’s why health care costs are still sky-rocketing.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    There are no “government doctors” under Tommy Douglas’ Canadian medicare, either. Just a well run government insurance programme. As my doctor, who practiced under both systems, said, “I don’t think I practice medicine any differently now that a no longer worry about being paid.”

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    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    That’s funny, I thought we were supposed to be ‘The Elite’ LOL!

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    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    It was the Senate REPUBLICANS who held it up, Howww-dee.

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    lafayetteann  over 11 years ago

    Yes, it is a bag of sand. It’s a downpayment for the next coastal disaster.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    A bill is being proposed in congress to tie all future disaster relief to cuts in spending. I can empathize with the thought, but the reality is offensive. The waste fraud and abuse legislators have allowed to be written into bills over the decades is exponentially more costly than the money needed to help Sandy victims. ^For as long as disaster relief has existed, no congress ever budgeted for the disasters they had to have known would occur. When Obama first ran in 2008, he said we needed to start budgeting for these kind of disasters but that, a long with so many other ideas, has been set aside. Now, in order to pay for damages to a town leveled by tornadoes, or floods, or hurricanes, or fires, Congress is going to require cuts to this and/or that before agreeing to help citizens.^As I consider the multitude of cases of criminal negligence wrought upon our people by corrupt politicians and those to whom they serve in exchange for donations, I am infuriated that they would hold hostage families whose tax dollars have been used to help in so many places in the past.HOW DARE THEY!^Money is just how we exchange services instead of being 100% self sufficient within our own families or communities. The value of money has been inflated to obscene levels and its use to gamble on the value of other exchange methods, like the euro, yen, etc, has made the value of food, water, and, MY GOD….PEOPLE! We have placed the value and potential of people who help make the items for which money is exchanged less important than the paper and metal on which value is stamped. People ARE money. As long as we are a united people who can respect each other, we are still the richest nation on the planet and can overcome anything.^.As a believer of a just God, it is my hope these uncaring soulless and duly elected zombies find compassion or that they be judged by the God of Jesus, Jesus who said, “that which you do for the least of them, you do for me.” “That which you do not for the least of them, you did not do for me.”Matthew 25:31-46^My thanks again to the atheists and agnostics who have been patient with my use of religious writings in some of my posts over the last weeks. Since so many of the legislators consider themselves Christian, I feel a need to remind them what Christ is quoted to have said. Your tolerance is appreciated and helps focus the debate. Respectfully,C.

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    Rickapolis  over 11 years ago

    Ah, the honor of the GOP.Bwahahahahahahahahaha.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “I heard we were waiting for the other countries to donate to the Sandy cleanup effort. Sadly, the sum of all donations is still zero.”Still trying to compete with Onguard for dumbest post? There have been cash donations & supplies from around the world. This is despite the fact that we are far & away the richest nation on the planet & some of this relief comes from places with pressing problems of their own.Heck, there was even an Islamic extremist in Pakistan who offered to send volunteers & supplies. Naturally, he was turned down.

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    Odon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Ah, another fan of young Tuck.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    jack75287: The last I heard, Canada. Since he would now be in his late 80s or early 90s, I am not sure he is still practicing anywhere. I looked him up online recently and could find no information other than a medical journal paper which had cited one of his papers. His waiting room was papered in medical journal tables of contents which carried his peer-reviewed studies. He was in family practice..When he found I was a US citizen, he tried to give me a hard time about US medicine. He quickly found out I had more dirt on the AMÅ than he did – I had a sociology professor who was just coming off a sabbatical in which he studied the AMA. His verdict, “the most ruthless and corrupt labor union in the country, Hoffa included.”.We got along great after that. He had total contempt – particularly their custom back in those days of spending a half million 1970s dollars trying to convince Canadian doctors to come to the US whenever another province adopted the system. The big lie was, “You can make a million dollars your first year in practice.” He knew more likely you would be a million dollars in debt after the first year. He cared more about practicing medicine than getting rich. He made enough for his needs.

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