Matt Bors for January 30, 2013

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    ARodney  about 11 years ago

    I love the toilet paper squares bit. And marines — if my college dorm could share a bathroom, I suspect that the marines would get used to it.

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    moderateisntleft  about 11 years ago

    I was going to make a relavent comment, but a female just walked by and distracted me…… what-ever am I to do?

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    jamnarama  about 11 years ago

    Primise 1: “we’re so busy wondering if we CAN do a thing, we forget to wonder if we SHOULD do that thing.”Premise 2. On why the group of women congresswomen are saying they are the(paraphrase) ‘great hope for America’: they are uniters not dividers, see where men have gotten us running things the last ?00 years. Women represent the better qualities of humanity.So do women in the military represent GHWBush’s “kinder, gentler” machine-gun hand?Personally I see a hugh dicrepency between women representing humanities ’higher/better qualities and having them kill, maim and die for our, or any country.I do believe women, some women, represent humanities better/higher qualities; so let them be uniters because other than “All Quiet on the Western Front” I know of no examples where war united divided peoples.And I am personally embarressed, GUYS, that the US or any country would use them to fight their wars. I feel it is a disgraceful waste of OUR most precious resource; our mothers, sisters and daughters to send them to fight and die on foreign soil.Again; not that they CAN’T, I acknowledge women can do anything they set their minds to. Women already do wonderful and incredible things, but do they need to THESE things? Women; GO, UNITE, LOVE CARE!Maybe if we can’t get enough MEN to fight our wars maybe we could……. have less and/or smaller wars.I offer an old paraphrased quote: " Let us study debate and detente, so our children may study industry and agriculture, so our children’s children may study music and the arts.

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