Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for April 29, 2014

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    midland1967  about 10 years ago

    The biggest joy was making my wife Cinderella. I brought her the wedding grown. Made by a Mexican wedding grown maker, from top of head to the bottom, she was Cinderella. My four friends were nice enough to put on their dress whites and crossed their swords so she could be Cinderella.Yes, I loved my Mexican Cinderella.

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    ORMouseworks  about 10 years ago

    Cathy, you are Ruining this moment!!! ;)

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    lightenup Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Oh boy, this’ll be a good show! I’ll go get the popcorn! I’ve never done it, but I’ve always wanted to tell someone else everything they’ve done that hurt me.Good morning, Cathy clan!

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    midland1967  about 10 years ago

    A Mexican woman’s love is deeply rooted in her marriage, with sweat of hard labor and tears from many hardships. My wife was 12 years old when she began to work as a housekeeper to support her family. When I asked why she came to America, she made up a silly story about her sister and her saving money to see the pyramids in Mexico. Her sister and she were sending money for the educating her younger siblings so they could have a better life. Sacrifice is her life. After a hard day as a housekeeper, she would run home to welcome our children. She welcome me with a warm supper. I never knew her without a smile.I made serious career mistakes. A n American woman would have left me. She just pick me up and said lets go.Forty years is mostly due to her heart.

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    midland1967  about 10 years ago

    My son is now dating a woman with a child. Does she want a second????

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    midland1967  about 10 years ago

    It was a snowy day in Michigan when they buried my little brother. Because of my father’s poverty, there was no grave stone. His friend’s wife noticed my father on top of the ridge. She said that she would never forget the expression on my father’s face. A quiet rage. I think he made a promise that he would let his loved ones be hurt by this strange land called America.My father made his deal with the devil. As a grassroots weekly newspaper publisher, he supported Nixon’s reelection. He helped his friend, Griffin, the second most important Republican during the Nixon years.My father lost everything and went to Canada to start over again.My wife went to Mexico to get her papers. She was not given her papers. My son became seriously ill. My boss, a former Green Beret, told me, “You go there and bring your family home.”My mother told me Griffin would not help since my father had no political power. I sent a telegram anyway.When I got there, the secretary said, “So many letters from Congressmen and Senators.” Griffin had remembered his debt.My family and I came home.For some reason, maybe because of the drift between us over his support for Nixon, I never told him until two weeks before his death.“Griffin remembered his debt. Your grandson and his mother came home because of you.”It seems like eternity. Finally, “Good”My father had kept his promise to protect the people he loved.Remember, I was supposed to write the Great American Novel, Cathy.

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    rgcviper  about 10 years ago

    AACK, Cathy! You still sure know how to inspire the [eye-rolls] …

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.

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    midland1967  about 10 years ago

    Larry Erickerson’s first words was to say how sorry he was about how I was treated as an minority. He married a Chinese woman and lived in Midland most of his life. But to be honest, Midland was only two years of my life. I remember your mother’s worried look when I took you on our only date. I knew you should have said No, but you didn’t know. You were so smart, but so anxiety about everything. About men, you should have found somebody who respected you, not jerks like Bob. You should live like my little girl. Have a good time in living. Kick the jerk to side if he is a Irving. Like I told her, if you have dreams, don’t get married. Men and kids kill them.Your friend, BC

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