Jim Morin for December 26, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    The problem is, they’re willing to take us all with them.

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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    Never give in to the terrorists.

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    Random Nick Premium Member over 11 years ago

    @mikefiveThe fiscal cliff is an artifact, created by Republicans, that the Republicans are using to extort concessions to their ideology. Not negotiating with terrorists is not belligerence.

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  4. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  over 11 years ago

    Kid Dy-no-mite!

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  5. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    Right-Wing rhteroric, 2010:

    “Whoo-hooo, the people have SPOKEN!”


    Right-Wing Rhetoric, 2012:

    “Waaaaaaaaah, the people are STUPID!”

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    Sorry, it wasn’t Obama that killed ‘Plan B’ the R’s did that one to themselves

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    Wow! a new record! EVERYTHING in Onguard’s list is a lie! (Obama has done LESS regulation than Bush, LESS “funny money” for unions (whatever that is) than Bush gave to oil companies, actually HAS an energy policy that has created more gas and oil production than under Bush, etc. etc. etc.) If they can’t be trusted on the easy facts, why should anyone believe conservatives on anything?

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  8. 80 sylvester3
    ennui_rudy  over 11 years ago

    How do you negociate with stupid? The “party of NO” refuses to listen to the majority or to reason so the country has decided the republican party has become irrelevent.

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  9. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    BTW, did anyone ELSE hear a certain AC/DC tune playing in their head when they saw this cartoon?

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  10. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 11 years ago

    “Hey you and the Obamamedia will blame Republicans no matter what.”-It appears that you will blame Obama, the media, and liberals no matter what. It’s hypocritical of you to look down your nose at people for doing the exact same thing that you do.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    The party of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. What happened to democracy and the common welfare?

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    vburke  over 11 years ago

    Except when he offered to raise the tax cut expiration from $250K to $400K to make it more palatable for the Reps, so that’s a lie.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    If the public finally blames the Republicans for our fiscal disasters, and debt increases brought on and accelerated by “W”, Cheney, and the Republican “leadership”, it just means they finally woke up to the truth.

    A serious problem is the fact that Republicans’ “memory” is shorter than the life span of an adult mayfly. (24 hours, unlike Boehner, they have no mouthparts.)

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    Bearfist  over 11 years ago

    Go away GOP. It’s still the same old trip with no end in sight. Talk about sour grapes. You lost. Get some backbone and join the rest of us on earth.

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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    I remember back in the 1960s when some left radicals were trying to start a revolution. They had some good reason to be upset, but in my opinion at the time they were crazy. I knew some of them, and I told them I thought they were crazy. Well, it turned out they were crazy. And now when I hear right radicals call for revolution I think they are crazy, too. There’s a lot wrong with the US system, but there is some possibility for change, and if it can’t happen within the normal political system, there is always the possibility of non-violent grass-roots action for change. It takes time and discipline, but it’s a lot better than armed revolution.

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