Chris Britt for November 20, 2018

  1. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Seriously, can that fat bastard BE more disgusting, hateful, and useless?? Not only does he HATE the U.S. Military unless he can use them as props for HIS own purposes, he HATES the U.S. Constitution and damn near EVERYTHING it stands for, except the parts that let HIM get away with his criminal activities and steal MORE MONEY from the U.S. Taxpayers.

    By the way, did you see that some of the troops used as his stage props for the fake “Invasion” from the south are ALREADY heading home, since they have NOTHING TO DO???

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    DrDon1  over 5 years ago

    Cadet Bonespur — The least qualified President ever!

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Herr Trump’s Prince killed journalist Khashoggi.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Donald John Trump is proving (over and over and over and over and….) that he is NOT NOW and NEVER HAS BEEN any kind of an American in any way other than by accident of birth and is actually one of the best “advertisements” for his totally ridiculous idea of rejecting place of birth as a definition of citizenship!

    America now has a “President” that over and over has sided with America’s adversaries rather our allies. That consistently sides with entities that can line his pockets or that have in the past with NO REGARD for the feelings of others. When asked if he had a Thanksgiving message for our troops sent to our Southern border for a political stunt to impress his dwindling devotees, he replied, “Oh, don’t worry ‘bout them they’re tough, they’re proud to serve….”, or some such mindless ‘tripe’!

    There is so much about our governmental process which is NOT spelled out or written down but is merely “understood” to be the ‘norm’ – that we just “expect” our leaders to understand and respect. Donald John Trump understands NONE of those expectations.

    I have worked with the “mentally impaired” and I understand their need to have the proper way of acting spelled out in minute and exacting detail. Donald John Trump has served one useful purpose among the desolation he is causing – that America needs its expectations of its political leaders spelled out in more detail – much more detail – and not as ‘suggestions’ but as rules – hard and fast rules.

    Now I don’t think we need spell out when and how our President wipes his butt (yet!) but a much more structured environment is very obviously needed and needed quickly!

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  5. Triumph
    Daeder  over 5 years ago

    What America needs now is a Navy Seals operation to depose Il Douche and Mike Pence!

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  6. Bleach 170
    KenseidenXL  over 5 years ago

    Operation Neptune Spear was a JSOC operation. McRaven was USSOCOM, but had no operational role in the event.

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    Ally2005  over 5 years ago

    Trump only cares about himself, his money and Ivanka. Everything else he says and does is a clown show for the trumpsters. The only hope for most Americans is that he is thrown out of office in 2020.

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    sandflea  over 5 years ago

    Every time our exalted emperor looks in a mirror, and it happens several times daily, he sees the true “Enemy of the People.”

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