Bob Gorrell for May 20, 2015

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    DrDon1  about 9 years ago

    What Bush & Cheney caused is no joke!

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    louieglutz  about 9 years ago

    sovereign, stable, and self-reliant. who said that?

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Cheney and Rumsfeld, with Wolfowitz and a few others, implemented by Bremer, CREATED ISIL, by kicking out the army, letting them keep their weapons, and firing all the cops, then throwing all Ba’athists and Sunni out of the government, turining everything over to THEIR crooks! (At least Chalabi went away,basically.)

    Which, the absurd violence of ISIL, which is milder than watching “Game of Thrones” actually, shouldn’t shock the American public, and in fact is far more the guys in Saddam’s regime kicked out seeking revenge, than anything “religious” in nature. It’s about power, not religion.

    Kinda’ like 43 invading Iraq to “get even” for Saddam putting out a contract on 41. “I got the power”, has little to do with intelligence.

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    eugene57  about 9 years ago

    Do the republican members of the senate or house have any worthwhile suggestions or plans? Have only heard complaints, nothing helpful. (McCain is far from helpful, he helped make it worse.)

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    Stan King  about 9 years ago

    Oh, and everyone in the world goes to France for military advice, right? Because you guys are badass fighters… “Bon Jour” is French for “we surrender”.

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    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    As the figures released by numerous agencies and outlets still indicate the NYPD outnumbers the “fighters” in ISIL, while they do pose a serious consideration, given the ability of such as Tim McVeigh to bring havoc, it might be wise to look at proportion? (Granted, the NYPD, even given “tools” of surplus military gear, does have fewer tanks than ISIL.)

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    manteo16nc  about 9 years ago

    Obama has a strategy? Oh yeah I forgot: Try to lay it up onto the green and get down in two putts. Clintons’ strategy: Get laid, get down and lay in the green.

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