
Henrie Free

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  1. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    If you’re unemployed where do you get the money to relocate. If you have no unemployment insurance you probably have spent all your savings and will have to go on welfare and food stamps - til the Rep. get rid of those. Or maybe without health care you will die first. A great many people in this country only make minimum wage. I would love to see how many of you could live on that. With a family you have to work 2 or 3 jobs. With almost all the wealth at the top - what happened to this country which USED to care about the “underdog”.

  2. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    Too bad re: gays - children hear it at some homes and some churches. They may have picked up the notion that it is ok to bully and tease gays. Still way too much predjudice and hate in this country - some promulgated by the churches. When will people accept we are all one human race.

  3. over 13 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Some Constitution - I thought religion wasn’t supposed to be in government. Also I believe Wicca is a religion as Arlington Cemetary now recognizes it. Obama IS a christian BUT what if he was a muslim or even atheist OMG!!!! O’ Donnell is just a young uneducated girl playing to the tea party.

  4. over 13 years ago on Clay Bennett

    michaeldugas you should read the Old Testament and study some Evangelical/Fundamental christian beliefs! Maybe we don’t want that kind “around our neighborhood”. Time you learned some truths. The reason we are ok with muslim cultural center 2-1/2 blocks from twin tower site is we are SUPPOSED TO ALLOW RELIGIOUS freedom for all. We ARE NOT YET GOVERNED BY A RELIGIOUS LEADER!!! ALTHO SOME FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIANS ARE TRYING FOR IT.

  5. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    Totally agree fritzoid and with muslims getting knifed in NYC. and shot at in Tennesse and other such things the muslims need to feel safe. This country is SUPPOSED to be tolerant of all religions and or non-religious. The problems come up when the evangelical and fundamental “christians” think only THEY can go to “heaven” and only their religion is right. AND THE PRESIDENT DOESN’T NEED TO GO TO CHURCH OR EVEN BE A CHRISTIAN ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION. WONDER WHAT THE REP WOULD THINK IF WE HAD A WOMAN, OR GAY, OR MUSLIM OR ATHEIST RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!!!! GUESS THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!

  6. over 13 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    I’m a retired school accounts payable/secretary and after 30 some years I see a big drop in student skills. Can’t spell - always shorthand texting Can’t read - too much tv and computer use Can’t write - everything on computers And in my area with many colleges and universities the parents all want their kids to go to college to make big money. Some kids should not go - but need apprentice and tech schooling - Where are we going to get needed service people? Plumbers, carpenters, auto repairs etc. We may need to pay skilled workers more including teachers, nurses and technical workers. When we have atheletes and movie stars who make more than the president and a congress and CEO’s some with obscene salaries it’s no wonder kids have skewed views.

  7. over 13 years ago on Clay Bennett

    It’s not just the mosque at “ground zero” they don’t want them anywhere (check Tennessee and Kentucky). People seem to need to hate. The Native Americans, Black, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Japanese, Vietnamese et al. Except those were races and now people are equating Islam and Moslem interchangably. The more things become scarce (jobs, food, water) the more hate shows up.

  8. over 13 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Only problem - too many actually believe him. And his “spirit” guide or “god” has told him to sell his overpriced gold. With the “mansion” he lives in how can he claim to be for the average “tea party” people?. And what about free speech - he has told the ones coming not to bring signs. (afraid they would show bigotry or poor spelling ignorance?) THE WORST THE PROCEEDS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FOR THE TROOPS AFTER EXPENSES. IF HE IS FOR REAL WHY DOESN’T HE PAY THE EXPENSES - HE IS CERTAINLY WEALTHY ENOUGH TO DO SO - AND THE KOCH BROTHERS ARE PAYING FOR THE BUSSES.

  9. almost 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    gbruce wilson said EVERYONE with income should pay taxes. So nice he earns 60,000. I know many who work for minimum wages who can barely put food on the table after paying rent AND they DO pay taxes EVERYTIME they go to the store or buy gas etc. The difference is the ones with lower income to pay more in taxes takes away more in food and clothing and necessities while the wealthier may lose a few luxuries. ALSO tax rates under Reagan were much higher than now. HOW ABOUT CUTTING THE HUMUNGOUS DEFENSE BUDGET FULL OF WASTE. PAYING FOR THINGS WE DON’T USE AND DON’T NEED BUT NOT SUPPLYING THINGS TROOPS ACTUALLY NEED. STOP THE STUPID WARS - HAVE THE MILITARY PATROL OUR OWN BORDERS AND HAVE MORE MONEY TO TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN COUNTRY. A smaller military can go after individual terrorists whereever they are. They are all over the world not just Afghanistan or Pakistan. We would be just as safe.

  10. almost 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    The “trickle down” theory never worked and still won’t. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. When 1 or 2% of the country has 83% of all the wealth - doesn’t leave much for the rest of us.