Scott Stantis for August 08, 2012

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    Gary Williams Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Just like Nixon, and The Bushes, why are Republicans so secretive, they must have something to hide?

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    Gary Williams Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    What does NASA have to do with this ’toon?

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    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    I literally can’t count how many times I, and other “liberals” have posted that Obama should have closed Gitmo, and housed those prisoners in “super max”, that all the Republicans fought tooth and nail.

    Just financial holdings would be revealing, and how much he has stashed overseas, without “tax returns”. But no, he will “Never A Straight Answer”, to anything.

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  4. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    Ye gods…. y’all are missing the point here. Obama isn’t in this picture at all, so if it were about him, he’d be there.That’s Uncle Sam there, the embodiment of America itself, and the majority of this Nation likes what is going on on Mars..Mars has always been dubbed “The Red Planet” simply because how it shines in the sky. I wouldn’t expect anything but desert, given its orbit and how far away it is from the Sun itself! Now for the other point of this cartoon:MITT, JUST WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Afraid that you’ll be declared ineligible for the Presidency because you broke a few laws? I don’t like you, and if that is the case, GOOD!

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    neuturn  almost 12 years ago

    I do not follow that belief, it would tell me that the God I believe in may have created other things and life before us.

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    STLDan  almost 12 years ago

    More so poking at the idiots who tout such theories

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