Clay Bennett for June 20, 2012

  1. Cat7
    rockngolfer  almost 12 years ago

    How about Marmaduke? What does he think of Romney?Cue the dog on the roof jokes.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    You mean those kids didn’t get their first million from the tooth fairy, like Mitt?

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 12 years ago


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  4. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 12 years ago

    Given the family values nature of the Family circus I would be really surprised if Mom and Dad vote Democratic. I can just see them now: Marching in the Gay Pride parade, taking their children to Occupy Wall Street and sitting with all those uwashed hippies, Carping at the local PTA meeting about how the principal and teachers aren’t giving out enough A’s and awards to kids who just show up.

    Oh yeah, that’s what the Family circus was all about.

    What I remember is that they were a hard working family that took care of their own children and raised them with Christian Middle Class Values. Mitt Romney isn’t a Middle Class but neither is Mr. Obama.

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  5. Missing large
    kamwick  almost 12 years ago

    The reason they don’t relate to Mittens is because the policies he promotes are exactly what has caused the decline of the middle class.

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  6. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 12 years ago

    @kamwick – Politicians didn’t cause the decline of the middle class. Middle class people caused the decline of the middle class by refusing to accept that globalization exists.

    Those of us who invested in our future by continously developing new and in demand skills are doing just great. Those who relied on the Unions to get them everything they needed are finding themselves replaced by foreign workers or machinery. But there is an upside – All of us get to buy our products for a lower price and we get a better product.

    But go ahead – keep blaming the politicians and the 1% – Somehow it must be there fault because otherwise you are going to have to look in the mirror to find the problem.

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  7. Fritz3b
    Fred Kuechenmeister  almost 12 years ago

    Mephistopholes: well said… unions, whose who are “entitled” while not producing from cradle to grave.. etc. may have something to do with our little problem… when it all hits the fan as has happened in Greece and Spain we will somehow have to reinvent the work ethic..

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  8. Piper speaks her mind
    betsy5976 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I enjoy when cartoonists play with each other in the strips but this one steps over the line & could well cause this practice to be prohibited. Apologies ot Family Circus, in deed.

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  9. 512 what makes me tick new
    Larhof52  almost 12 years ago

    I’ll be looking forward to seeing Bennett loose it in November. He’s been totally disconnected from reality.

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  10. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 12 years ago

    And that’s saying something…

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  11. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 12 years ago

    The only reason that Obama isn’t irrelevant is because (tragically) he’s president of the United States.

    Q: How does an incompetent moron become most powerful man in the world?

    A: Easy—LIE. The American public were fed nothing but 100% BS hype about him. They didn’t know that he was the result of a “mistake” when his dad knocked up his mom out of wed-lock (I use “mistake,” because that is the word Obama himself used when talking about is daughters, and not wanting them being “punished with a baby” if they make a “mistake”). Imagine if the American public could have coupled Obama’s radical abortion policy with the irony that his own mother was stuck with the “mistake” of his very conception.

    Everything about Obama is a lie. It’s 100% BS. And yet, there are people who will gamble their reputations and lives on keeping him in the White House (example: Andrea Mitchell selectively editing a Romney speech to make him sound like an idiot—an act that OUGHT to get the partisan whore fired). That in itself is insane.

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