Chip Bok for May 30, 2012

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    oneoldhat  about 12 years ago

    thomas more 2.0

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Uh, since when was the POPE the President of the United States???

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    Breeana  about 12 years ago

    Don’t mess with my Religious views; however, I have NO PROBLEM forcing my beliefs on your life and family.

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  4. Makotrans
    Ketira  about 12 years ago

    Why would Obama do that? One of the things he has said is that Religious Freedom is part of America, and that government isn’t going to get involved because of the separation of Church & State.

    As for Benedict: According to that one Friar, he’s the next to the last Pope before the Catholic Church goes poof anyway. So why should he bother suing the US government? I don’t think that’s allowed. (If I’m wrong, someone point me to a source or you’ll get verbally run over.)

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Religious freedom? You mean, like, a Lutheran nurse can work at a Catholic hospital without losing the health coverage she would get at a public hospital?

    Good point. We need religious freedom.

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    hdavidt  about 12 years ago

    Religious freedom-the right to oppress whomever you want whenever you? So, who would Jesus hate? Perhaps, that’s what they should be asking themselves.

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