Steve Breen for May 15, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    How DOES that decades of lowering, or eliminating taxes, and maintaining or increasing your spending work for you? Conservative “mystery math” is affecting the whole nation.

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    hanmari  about 12 years ago

    What lowering or eliminating taxes? In California, the state income tax is over 9%. The state sales tax is over 9%. Property taxes are extremely high. And despite borrowing 15 billion dollars from the Federal government this past fiscal year to cover shortfalls in unemployment payments, Governor Jerry Brown and the Democrat-run state legislature still managed to run a 16 billion dollar deficit. The problem here is that conservative principles of reducing spending and reducing taxation have NOT been applied. Businesses and the affluent are fleeing to other states as California is myopically proposing yet another tax increase to make up for the run away spending!

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    hanmari  about 12 years ago

    First of all, the Governator was a RINO and squandered all the tax revenues during the good years on raising the pay for public sector employees to a ridiculous degree (just as bad as the federal RINOs led by George W. Bush who spent and spent without regard to decreasing debt or planning for the future). As for property taxes, they’re ridiculous in the Bay Area where I live. Maybe they’re cheap in other parts of the state, but they practically match your monthly mortgage payment here. Meanwhile, people outside of Silicon Valley are enjoying record high unemployment and the morons in the state legislature want to spend 68 billion dollars on a bullet train boondoggle that they have no way of paying for. If they do approve it, they deserve to be dragged out into the street and pummeled with rodents.

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    Mac61  about 12 years ago

    They could be solvent if they’d get rid of all there public employee unions!

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