Bob Gorrell for April 11, 2012

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 12 years ago

    Yet you’d be happy to hand back the reins of power to those who actually created this mess…

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    Sportymonk  about 12 years ago

    So many want to blame the president yet the president does not have near the power people think they do. Congress is more responsible for the mess than any president.

    If you want the real culprit, look at the CEOs and Boards of Directors that directed the companies to take the greedy path they have taken. It is the companies that refuse to hire people or at least more than 23 hours a week part time yet they give their CEOs large pay raises.

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    alan.gurka  about 12 years ago

    At least in prison you’d get 3 square meals, a cot, and free sex in the showers. Well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

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  4. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  about 12 years ago

    How do you figure that Carter’s to blame for the current economy?

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    joe vignone  about 12 years ago

    We were losing 700,000 jobs A MONTH WHEN BUSH THE MORON LEFT OFFICE. 700,000 ….. A MONTH!!!!! Obama put a stop to that. Who wants to see a Republicant in office again? Only the brain dead Faux News viewers, I guess.

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    shaggy92420  about 12 years ago

    obamanomics…learn to love it

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    Tim Lowrance  about 12 years ago

    Ineptocracy — A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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    DavidGBA  about 12 years ago

    If we put more crap in our air and water, we’d have no unemployment, like China.

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  9. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    You got the old G-NO-P talking points. That “thought” has been throughly disproven

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    Odon Premium Member about 12 years ago

    So just what was the economy doing and what was happening in the jobs market when Obama took office after 8 years of cutting taxes and waging war? Our country hadn’t been in a worse position since the Great Depression and you expect that fixed in a few years with no support from a substantial portion of our statesmen.What bull! The announced singular goal of the right from day one was to remove Obama from office. From 9/01 through 1/09 the mantra was we are at war so stand by our President, period. Then, oops, not are guy so oppose him regardless of logic or the better good of our nation.

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