Jeff Stahler for January 25, 2012

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    ARodney  over 12 years ago

    Good job, Harley. Transferring wealth upwards from the poor to the rich by way of the tax code has worked so well for us these past thirty years… let’s accelerate it!

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    cjr53  over 12 years ago

    So with the IRS gone, where will the military acquire funding?

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    dfowensby  over 12 years ago

    don’t you think the military would be crowded, if the recruiters advertised “all the women and loot you can carry could be Yours!”. the Honorable/Code of the West garbage is what makes our enemies smile—-if theyŕe not laffing at our actually trying to feign compliance with the geneva convention—-and lost us every conflict since ww2.

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    sbwinn  over 12 years ago

    Every good liberal should LOVE the Fair Tax. You get taxed when you spend, not when you earn. Wanna soak the rich? How can you separate the way they earn income from anyone else? Go after income and CEO’s will pay themselves $1 a year and millions in stock options. Go after investments and you are taxing the snot out of grandma’s pension as well as the trust fund babies. Rich people SPEND. It is kind of the whole point of being rich. The poor spend a lot less and under the Fair Tax they get an automatic tax credit on the necessities. Plus, a lot less red tape, more efficient government, and the same revenue coming in. The only downside is that without the pile of tax code we currently live under if you are a lobbyist you won’t have any tax breaks left to lobby for and if you are a politician you will have to come up with something new to demagogue.

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