Jim Morin for January 20, 2012

  1. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 12 years ago

    Darn 2nd Amendment. Let’s abolish the Constitution

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  2. Bitmoji pic  2
    Leticia Shelley  over 12 years ago

    I’ve been against guns until the day I got robbed at gunpoint now I’m working to be part of the gun toting group because police are nowhere to help. It’s like I read in a NRA post…the police are only there to solve crimes, not to protect us…and sadly I now believe that.

    I won’t be a statistic to be killed for my purse with nothing in it but a card and cell phone.

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  3. Dgp 61
    DavidGBA  over 12 years ago

    When your grandchild finds it and accidentally in play shoots you, you will not need protection any more.

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  4. R.j.s
    Rocky Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Train your grandchild properly and it will never be an issue…

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    DECADES of the NRA “preserving the right” to buy and sell “combat weapons” is what led to “fast and furious”. LaPierre’s argument that long guns and high capacity magazines weren’t used by “criminals” in committing crime, went out the window when all those weapons were found at drug labs, drug farms, Mexico, and elsewhere, like at bank robberies in Los Angeles.

    Law Pierre and the NRA have long fought any sensible legislation, and people died, by the tens of thousands, here in the U.S., at the rate of 15,000 or so GUN HOMICIDES per year.

    I’m a gun owner and supporter of the Second Amendment, and that silly “well regulated”, the NRA simply opposes the Constitution, at every level.

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  6. Missing large
    agate1  over 12 years ago

    NRA,how many children today?

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  7. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  over 12 years ago

    Dtroutma, and Oquaig: You have said it all. Unfortunately it is not all that will be said as there are many out there that continue to miss-interpret Article II of The Bill Of Rights to the U.S Constitution claiming that it provides for the unfettered right of individuals to own guns, but is actually limited to the right of “the” people to bear arms as militiamen. Therefore, In Accordance With Article (IAW) X of the Bill Rights, the laws and regulations concerning non-militia ownership of weapons “…are reserved to the States respectively, or the people.” Florida has then, as I read it, acted IAW the law. Further, I believe that it is pertinent to note that Article II and X of the Bill of Rights were made law by 15 December 1791, a time when all hand guns, long guns and rifles were flint-locks, a far cry from today’s weaponry and a reality that must be taken into account when writing gun laws. Subsequently Florida, along with the other 49 states over the last 221 years collectively, have all legally written State laws governing the use, ownership, and control of weapons for both their militia’s, gun clubs and private citizen’s. Unfortunately with the continued overcrowding of this little spaceship, so named planet earth, do to the uncontrolled and unregulated fecundity of the human species that we are now seeing, reporting, and documenting and ever increasing number of “unstable” individuals and groups such that it necessitates that gun control laws be written and established in a manner that, more and more, must reflect the lowest common denominator of dangerous human behavior rather than its better nature.

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