Nick Anderson for December 06, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Every since USPS became a “corporation”, it’s been half to full speed astern, how DARE they out compete “private industry”! Amazing how “conservatives” keep forgetting what Ben Franklin saw as a future for America. Oh, maybe they do, and want to slow things down to the speed of commerce back then.

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    jimmygeo  over 12 years ago

    What’s the Post Office?

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    tengu99  over 12 years ago

    I’d rather use the USPS than any of the others. They are usually cheaper, quick enough for me, and smart enough to leave any packages in my apartment managers office. Unlike say, UPS, that is usually more expensive and leaves packages on the doorstep where anyone can grab and go.

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    tengu99  over 12 years ago
    There have been times with UPS where their package tracker will show it at their local depot and they will onto it for a day or two to make sure it is delivered on the day they estimated instead of as soon as possible. Its too bad the USPS hooked up with them.
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  5. Witch4
    Bex Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Every year my parents sent me a King Cake from New Orleans delivered by UPS. The box is clearly and unmistakably labeled as a cake. Two years in a row they left it on it’s side. One year they placed it under my door mat so as to ensure that I would step on it. UPS is supposed to do it better for less?

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    K McKay  over 12 years ago

    There are certain things that our ancestors were intelligent enough to see that were important enough for everyone to have. Right off the top of my head I can think of two (three) examples: Communication (mail and telephone) and electricity. With the Rural Electrification of America laws, people in farm and ranch country had wired electricity instead of batteries and six volt lights. With telephone, one company was granted a monopoly (with the people’s [government] oversight) so that it would be economic to run power lines to one house every mile or further. With the mail, we (the people, the government of the United States) created a governmental agency to do this; only later it became a QuANGO (quasy-autonomous non-governmental organization) with funding coming from the users and the government. In all cases, the point was to share the financial burden among all Americans for the benefit of all Americans. Had we left it to the corporations, the services would either have not been there, or have been just too expensive. As examples of this I use two problem areas for rural folk, cable TV and Internet service. Sure, you can have satellite dishes, and thanks to those little dishes cable prices are not out of sight. And yes, you can have dial-up Internet, but it is very slow, or you can have satellite Internet and it is not quite as slow but it is very expensive. The job of a major corporation is to make money for its owners (shareholders) and its management, not to provide a service to all Americans equally — it has no social conscience. Our government (we the people) has hampered the mail service to the point it is a joke. The alternative is for all of us to pay for it together. Or all of us to pay higher costs. Our choice. It looks like we will pay higher costs.

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  7. Ishikawa  gun
    AdmNaismith  over 12 years ago

    UPS and USPS all work hand-in-hand. We need the USPS, UPS and FedEx also need the USPS.It’s time to un-privatize to USPS and treat it as a necessary utility.

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    steven02345  over 12 years ago

    makes sense if you are part of the 1% then Fed Ex is affordable, why should the peasants have the same ability to communicate as they do… Next lets privatize utility companies, we don’t need tap water, you get bottled water in every store.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    You’re a cretin. Repbuliklans are simply trying to make us all slaves to the various corporations and financial interests.

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