Mike Luckovich for November 08, 2011

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    kreole  over 12 years ago

    The “prez” has tied his socialism agenda with helping the economy. A rotten choice……..

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  2. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  over 12 years ago

    And that particular “doctor” got his diploma from Somalia.

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  3. Dale s photo
    Tuner38  over 12 years ago

    All business that prospers at least cost faces competition and works without government regulations. Contrast shoe manufactureres with the Post Office or Amtrak. Health care by the government was tried in Soviet Russia and didn’t work. It won’t work here either.

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  4. Dr horrible1.jpg
    grayhares01  over 12 years ago

    Really? So his messages of wealth redistribution, govt controls and the rich being forced to give to the poor are not socialist?

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  5. Swc1
    SaltWaterCroc  over 12 years ago

    The government “getting out of the way” is what brought on the recession – letting banks and financial institutions get around regulations. When Citibank is fined multiple times for violations, yet they continue to violate the law, something is really wrong. Doing nothing, along with austerity programs, is what is making the mess worse. When business sits on its profits and will not expand because there is no demand, reducing the demand doesn’t make it better. Learn economics. The top 1% have seen their incomes increase the past 30 years; not so with the rest of us.

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  6. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 12 years ago

    That’s like asking Typhoid Mary to act as nurse.

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    curtisls87  over 12 years ago

    I appreciate that there are varied services that one may wish to make public, but most of these were not public at one time. I also understand that you “like having a free school system that consists of well-trained and devoted teachers.” However, well-trained teachers are not free, they are paid for by someone. The question then arises as by whom they are paid, and more fundamentally, by whom their services are managed. I submit that federal management is very wasteful in comparison to local support, so perhaps we should do more to offload things from the feds.

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  8. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    “Why do (expletive) continue to completely ignore the effect of the CRA on the recession?”

    Why do you continue to ignore links and posts that continually prove that you don’t know what you’re talking about? Here’s a link to prove that the CRA had nothing to do with this. Now do like you always do and run away from the truth.

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  9. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 12 years ago

    Only in the narratives of the propagandists whose hook you have swallowed is this true. If you researched credible sources for more than five minutes, you would know that. See, for example:http://www.dallasfed.org/ca/bcp/2009/bcp0901.cfmThe utter ignorance of so many conservatives is astonishing!And troubling.

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  10. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Too many of you are right. D and R fight to do things only their way. It was a smaller issue in good times. We have the Second Great Depression, now. When are we going to have a real Third National Party? We have ‘Occupy’ demonstrations. Will we have a riot in D.C. and troops shooting their countrymen, like before? How can US work together? When are the 4 Million earning $200,000 going to pay Income Taxes? When are the 14 Million going to get Retrained to fill empty factories and EXPORT goods?

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  11. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 12 years ago

    Yes, Dr. Death.

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    curtisls87  over 12 years ago

    I appreciate your response, but don’t believe your example supports the notion that a federal clearing house is any more efficient for the dissemination of information than a private one. An example of both is UL vs CE. Most Americans trust the UL label on electronic goods as a representation that a product is safe. UL is completely private and in order for a manufacturer to qualify, their product must be tested. CE (used in the EU), on the other hand, is not private may or may not have legal status, and the manufacturer may attache the CE label themselves by signing a statement of conformity. In this case, I’d prefer the UL label over a CE label on a product, even though most manufacturers are not international and thus many products we purchase have both. Thus, for me, a private sector management of safety is the better choice.

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    curtisls87  over 12 years ago

    I disagree with your assessment. Yes, there will be some disparity – but we already have disparity with the current system – just look at the school districts in DC or Detroit. I grew up as the son of a teacher and a counselor. They weren’t rich, but they made sure we had a good education, yes it was public, but at a time prior to the US Dept of Education. When my own children were in school, I made sure to move to districts that excellent local schools, even if I didn’t have the money to live in the nice part of town. That was my obligation to my children, not someone else’s. I also dispute your last paragraph, and would, since you make this claim, as for citation. We were, up to about 90 years ago, much more reliant on local funding for everything, and yet the country grew and prospered.

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  14. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 12 years ago

    “..275 …liberal groups saying…raised taxes needed to balance the budget when the economy is slow “would risk tipping a faltering economy into recession…” …LIKE NOW???… We have 40 Million people paying ZERO Income Taxes and earn over $50K.

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