John Deering for November 20, 2009

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    bueller  over 14 years ago

    Fennec, thanks - my cartoon was updated, and readers who missed the previous cartoon might have also missed these informative links.

    For those of you who have not been on this page the last couple of days,you can check the previous cartoon, which was about the response to the government report on mammograms. The links posted above by fennec provide a range of background information on cancer and other health issues.

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    bueller  over 14 years ago

    I sometimes do illustrations to accompany my Editorial Page editor’s columns and editorials. Some of these, I do using visual metaphors ( much like editorial cartoons employ) , and one of my editor’s favorites is Neville Chamberlain. Over the last several years, i’ve actually done a few of these small mock woodcut - style illustrations of Chamberlain. The usual scenario is to show Chamberlain emerging from a plane, umbrella in one hand, signed treaty in the other.

    The point of these illustrations, in order to compliment the written editorials they accompany, is to literally compare the public official being written about to Chamberlain. Obviously, my editor is most indignant about a particular kind of hubris ( or naivite’ ) in those who handle our diplomacy - and national defense.

    In the case of President Obama returning from China, however, I wouldn’t apply Chambelain symbolism, because at the end of his trip, it was rather obvious,painfully so, actually, that Obama had not achieved his objectives.We are in a pretty bleeep weak bargaining position with China right now.

    If I happened to miss any statements Obama made regarding his trip that characterized it as some kind of great success, however…

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Interesting that Dems assigned huge expectations to him changing the world in 24 hours after taking office, and so did the Repubs- of course one group hoped for success, the other failures to gloat over.

    When “W” took office, I expected failures, and was rewarded.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Do Libs stay at home and constantly fume over the BUSH? It’s mentally sick!

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    You run the world in your mind and fume over the BUSH.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    fennec, thanks for the links and the time you took to make sure I saw them. And, if I may, thanks on behalf of all who read these comments when you take time to share your knowledge with us. Sincerely, Glorious Gorilla

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Let’s hear it for BCS, Yea, yea!; you are loved and appreciated. :)

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    mhenriday  over 14 years ago

    Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier, neither of them by any means «pacifists», thought that by allowing Hitler et al to split Czechoslovakia (abetted, it must be remembered, by the criminally weak Beneš, who didn’t dare accept help from the one country that offered it), they had pointed German ambition to the East (Liebensraum, nicht wahr ?) and ensured that that country would attack the Soviet Union. And indeed, they were right - it was only that Hitler and his band decided to do their Western European Tour before moving East. The former went according to plan, the latter did not. What are the historical lessons to be learned from these events ? As many as there are historians I suppose, but perhaps this is one of them - playing the Great Game is a risky business and beggar thy neighbour a risky strategy….


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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Given current events from the right, it might be remembered that firing on Ft. Sumpter didn’t end up quite as planned.

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    MurphyHerself  over 14 years ago


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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Dr.Canuck: No.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Are you aware, Canoogle, that historically civilizations have arose out of a need for protection and resource security? Furthermore, that those governments are set up to serve Elitist-Primaries who acted in the “best” interest of their citizens? America was wrested from relative-primtivism by a conglomerate of Christian agrarian European immigrants. These and other facts do not lend support for your Hefner-FDR-Dewey-Lenin-Evolutionist Freeithinker theory for advanced civilization. Technical and social “innovation” yes - but that is not always a good thing- example;Caligula - and have their “backward” “non”-progressive corolloraries as well: American Congregationalism, for example- from which our representative system of government also sprang (among other social-constructs).

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    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    the arrow is backwards

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Just give me one point where you think I’m wrong.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    puppy, how sweet of you! someone must have given you a scrumptious bone, satiating your pugnaciousness. Seriously, thanks!.

    you still haven’t revealed how many persona you portray on these pages … two? three? (and all the variations on Pup and Fear) count only as one.

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  16. Deer
    Warrior77  over 14 years ago

    I thought it was his little black book of homosexual partners.

    On the newsstand there was an article on Obama’s homosexual lover.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    BCS! I showed you ThePupWithoutFear/OldLego’sLoveChild/The LoveDoctor.

    War77, Do you mean Frank Marshall Davis, a.k.a. Dr.Canuck…?

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    Puppy, I didn’t realize you had acknowledged it, sorry. Now, care to give us a hint about your gender. Some say she, some say he. Just curious.

    Here’s a question: are your gender chromosomes identical or are they different? (jest kidding, pup, I know you’d never fall for that!)

    bruce, last question is good one. But some folks really do put the time and effort into both listening to others’ viewpoints and explaining their own. Over time, one can learn the people that fall into the former category and ignore the rest.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    bruce…good point; the terminology doesn’t always fit the object of discussion. American congregationists perfected communal voting for legal administration and representation, and as such were quite progressive for the time…but by Lib standards the Congregationalists and Quakers were “backwards”. In the end we are arguing against much prejudice, and this also may explain the pointed rhetoric. I believe there are alot of “progressives” who don’t give credit to the Christian Era giants who preceded them and their supposed “advancements” of culture and “science”. And at the same time they discount the horrors and injustices of their humanist doctrine.

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