Lisa Benson for July 06, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Uh, mislabeling again- the real statue should say “CEO bonuses”.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Right. Because everything is the fault of CEO’s. Don’t paint with such a broad brush. It’s like saying, “Poor people are the reasons hospitals are closing.” There are good and bad CEO’s, most of them have their positions because they earned them. If they earned their wages, why would you punish them for exceling?

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Blasted no edit ability. Ugh. Anyway, the point of THIS toon is to show how lopsided the assistance is. It’s a proven fact that the majority of the “stimulus” went to union workers, mostly in the public sector. I have a feeling the 278k figure is the total amount paid to the unions divided by the number of “jobs saved or created.”

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  4. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    And it costs $1,000,000 per year to keep a soldier in Afghanistan.

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  5. Computerhead
    Spyderred  almost 13 years ago

    You guys aren’t allowing for the fact that the stimulus money did not go directly to the worker, but instead to the employer of the corporation aka corporate welfare. The worker got very little of the stimulus.

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  6. 3.full
    RunninOnEmpty  almost 13 years ago

    I’d rather pay the money to any workers than give it to the Big Money bankers who are running away with it all and creating no jobs.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    ^ Exactly.

    Not only that, but the vast majority of the jobs created/saved were public sector union jobs. While they are jobs, they do not create wealth in our economy; i.e. they are a net sum-zero job.

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    keechum  almost 13 years ago

    If you ever worked for an employer, you would know why there is unions.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    ^ I work for a multi-billion dollar corporation. The business has over 16,000 employees. Not a single one of us are unionized, nor do we feel the need nor urge to unionize. None of the (10) jobs I’ve held (over the span of 17 years)have I ever felt the need to unionize. I know my rights as an employee, and I have never had the need to exercise those rights. And the same goes for a vast majority of private-sector workers. There’s a reason only 7% of private corporations are unionized, and it’s not because of the belief that corporations squelch unionization. It’s because it’s not necessary nor wanted.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 13 years ago

    the White House claims the stimulus added/saved 2.4 million jobs….(mostly union jobs) costing todate #666 Billion taxpayer dollars.(thank you Bruce!) today the LATimes had an article “Top of the Ticket” about Obama’s 454 WH aides….up 2 staff members and up $4 million since Bush’s last year in 2008 at the cost to taxpayers for 2011 of $37,121,463 ….and of the 454 on payroll, 41 staffers owe IRS $831,000 in back taxes!This info was released last Friday (law requirement) by the White House.

    The US taxpayers cannot afford Obama and the Democrats…since Jan.2009 the federal DEBT has risen to $14 plus Trillion….the rise for 2 years of Obama added more than the 8 years of Bush! And voters keep re-electing these spendthrift congresspeople! I hope 2012 sees most of congress and the president ousted, with replacements on notice that 1 term to lower spending and debt or voters will give them the pink slip…..

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  11. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    @Wraithkin…….Proof of this?…..(cost of Afghanistan per soldier)

    Other links will say $775,000 and $1.2 million. $1 million is in the ball park.

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  12. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 13 years ago

    This is way off course as to what went to each worker whose job was created or saved by the stimulus. If I employ 10 workers to build a road for $1 million, those jobs have cost $100,000 each? I don’t think so. The result is a $1 million road which helps to transport goods from seaports where dock workers are unloading the Chinese goods from the transports plying the ocean. The worth of the product must be figured in the final cost. The loan to GM must include taxes paid by those otherwise laid off workers instead of them being paid unemployment, pay to the managers, etc. It is not a simple thing of taking a lump sum and dividing it by a number of employed.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    The “stimulus money” didn’t go to either individuals or unions, which is the dishonesty of the ’toon. I saw some of the jobs the stimulus created and they were for construction of roads and upgrades, the jobs went through CONTRACTORS, none in fact were “union”. When I was a union steward (only a few years) we represented ALL employees, union members or not, it was the law. Most of the cases were about abusive practices by bosses, or getting benefits the employees EARNED, or in one case, a class action that went to the SCOTUS- and we won the case- it was about protecting those Constitutional rights the right always talks about, while trying to take them away.

    As only 8% of American workers are in unions, the old complaint about unions being the source of all evils in the workplace is beyond absurd any more. That most of the stimulus money DID go to corporations, just like TARP money, it’s amazing to me that those “anti-government capitalists” always reach out for government (taxpayer) money to bail out the private sector- from B of A, Citicorp, and other “financials” to Boeing, Ratheon, and Lockheed Martin— it IS the “taxpayer” that keeps those corporate profits rolling in, whether to pay bonuses, or pay for bombs.

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  14. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    @WraithkinQuibble over the expense items or methodology of measuring costs if you like. The point is an Afghanistan campaign is incredibly expensive, historically has ruined many invading nations, threatens to do the same to the U.S., and with goals that are vague at best.

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  15. Prr
    Loco80  almost 13 years ago

    As for the Strip here by Lisa Benson, I will say that I am a union employee of a state goverment, Department of Public Welfare.I have only been here 7 years, but in that time, we have lost 40% of our workforce. In my particular specialty in my particular office, we have gone from 16 workers to 7, but the number of clients has increased 50+ %. So, logically, we should have gone from 16 workers to 32 workers, NOT 7. Still think we are overpaid?

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    AmateurHTX  almost 13 years ago

    I guess all the CEOs are bad men, so Obama wants to replace them with Government people.Now instead of Gov watching CEOs we will have the Gov DIRECTLY running our companies, no chance of corruption there.Lets look at the example of GM. They kicked out the CEO, put in their own, Told the stock/bond holders to pound salt and gave over 30% of the company to the unions to keep their full boat retirement running,(the poor get the bill).In addition to make it look like GM is in the black they give them a $6BILLION exemption on taxes for the next 10 yrs, loan them money from another agency so they can pay back their loan to the Gov. The Obamamobile (volt) is a bomb so GE gets $350MILLION in tax breaks to buy a fleet of 5000.Yah lets kick out more CEOs and let the Gov run it all.

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    Jsmithy67  almost 13 years ago

    @CanbagYour economic model presumes all military personnel would be fired and every base shut down if troops were not in Afghanistan. You’re living in fantasy land.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 13 years ago

    Isn’t the goal to battle terrorism and terrorists on non-USA soil?

    What price Americans’ security?

    Or do you anti-war posters want constitutional DEFENSE eliminated? Islamic Jihadists declared war on the USA in Iran in 1979 and many times since, in attacks on our people and property overseas and then in New York City and D.C. in 2001.

    what would you anti-war posters be willing to fight for?

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    “Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.” - Winston Churchill.Sorry TCL, but you just don’t get it. “Freedom Fighters,” as you so coin them, are designed to free a body from an oppressive governing body. Terrorists are not freedom fighters. They are fighting to exterminate our way of life, which is one of individual liberty and freedom. I’m not suggesting we go into every 3rd world country and bomb brown people to start the war so we don’t have to fight here, but I am saying that you should recognize the fact that because we liberated Iraq, a vast majority of terrorist forces were either eradicated or focused on us there, instead of coming here.

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