Scott Stantis for June 14, 2011

  1. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 13 years ago

    Please, do the world a favor…

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  2. Bad kitty icon
    scottfroberts  almost 13 years ago

    Says the mooslim loving, scandal ridden, left wing, lame stream “media”, ad nauseum. If they say it enough times, they all believe it must be so. They did that in the 2010 election too. I hope they do it again in 2012, so they can all end up showing us how completely out of their minds and violent they can get, when there isn’t one of them left to even empty the trash of the Conservatives. We’re happy with our contenders. Look at the incompetent dope, and his embarrasment of a wife and family they have to brag about. The Mao “holiday” tree was really something to be proud of, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

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  3. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 13 years ago

    wow Pirate, I agree! I agree that the non conservative elephants need to shoot themselves. It is time for the Conservatives to take the party back and put the USA back on track!

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    The ’toon is perfect, and Ike would already have pulled the trigger.

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  5. Bad kitty icon
    scottfroberts  almost 13 years ago

    Aw, is that all you can come up with???

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  6. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 13 years ago

    I agree with Jase99 (TR is one of my favorite Presidents), tcity (because you agreed with Jase), & Warcrime, I like Ike too. When I talk about conservatism, I think about fiscal conservatives, not all that regulation on people’s personal life conservatism. I myself have the ethic of live and let live. HOWEVER, if our Government keeps spending money like they have been the past 45 years, we will see all of our freedoms stripped away. How free was everyone during the great depression?

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  7. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 13 years ago

    @darkeforce…the Centrist Republicans brought you increases in medicare and education (president Bush); Centrists and Liberals love to spend everyone elses money, including future generations of Americans. Centrists are the dummies who want to compete with Liberals, but EVERYONE knows you can’t out spend a Liberal nor can you waste more money than the government. I’ve volunteered for many charities and I can attest that charities do a better job than any welfare agency at getting families back on the right path. Government programs are created because of greedy power hungry people hellbent on wanting to control everyone’s life with regulation and taxation. If the gov taxed people and gave it to the charity to spend, then maybe we can compromise. But liberals don’t want to help people, they just want power. We can not allow our country to continue on this path Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have taken us on, the same path that another infamous National socialist party took… aka the Nazis. Funny how so many Liberals tend to have the same enemy as the Nazis…

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  8. Warcriminal
    WarBush  almost 13 years ago

    SrNONcerebral Bush cut medicare, education, and veteran’s benefits. And BTW no matter who is in office they have to spend other people’s money ANYWAY! That’s why its a Democratic Republic. Get used to the idea that elected officials are gonna spend your money (unless of course you’re another libertarian anarchist).

    Charities is code for Evangelical churches, where the preachers are flying in multi-million dollar private jets and own big houses while the sheep contribute to their lavish lifestyle, right? Inside Edition did an expose on these fakers you work for and support. I’d rather deal with a system that helps people all the time instead of a system that helps people SOME of the time.

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  9. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 13 years ago

    @W(a)rt…I’ve worked for many different charities, none were on that link you sent. In fact, only two of the charities I helped out are religious based, but glad you shared that, it is scary. However, i disagree that your government programs help all the people all the time – have you ever required assistance from the government? go down there and find out how abused the system is. it is underfunded not by Republicans but by the free loaders. As a memeber of this Republic, I have a right to vote on how the money collected by government is spent. HOWEVER, I don not have a right to demand others pay while I freeload off the system. In our system EVERYONE should pay.And you are wrong…President increased spending…. check out….

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  10. Thp 5
    svenskabru2u  almost 13 years ago

    Correct, SirWinston. As I studied both the National Socialists of Germany, and the Soviets of the same era who became what I served against in the ‘80s and ’90s, it became clear that fascism and communism were pretty damn close to each other in reality. The main difference was that Communism is much more aggressive about patronizing the support of Socialists, who tend to be intellectual narcissists and are so preoccupied with that flattery, that Communism would actually pretend to be Socialism, that they really don’t care about the obvious dishonesty. In the end, tyranny is tyranny., and today in 2011 it’s mostly coming from The Left. It’s why we fight… but I see you know that already.

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  11. Thp 5
    svenskabru2u  almost 13 years ago

    DrC, Russians and Germans have been culturally driven enemies for centuries. That old conflict merely reached its last zenith in the ’40s.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    All the righties talking about sheep, reminds me they’re all goats, who will swallow anything. Uh, Sven, I fought against Soviets in the ’60’s,(“incoming” 122’s is close enough) and their Chinese (likewise 7.62 and those mortar rounds) and Vietnamese friends, don’t recall any combat occurring in the 80’s and 90’s, unless you cut yourself on a typewriter ribbon, or maybe a paper cut. There IS a close link between Republican necons, the “Project for a New American Century” and the Stalinists, or Fascists, but— oh, never mind, you’ll never get it.

    The “War on Terror” HAS led to acceptance of the greatest tyranny to face America— it’s called “ignorant stupidity”— and its the call sign of the current “Republican” leadership and candidacies. If brains were nitroglycerine, the whole Republican roster couldn’t blow a single nostril. (Okay, maybe Ron Paul, but he’s just a kindly old nut.)

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  13. Warcriminal
    WarBush  almost 13 years ago

    @SrNONcerebral Hopefully you didn’t work for the Red Cross. I did a case study on them and they seem to use the term “organization” loosely. Good on you for serving the community. I did use financial aid to get my bachelor’s degree in Business Management (so I did use the goverment to help me and it worked). I’m currently working on my Masters degree in Business (no financial aid however). Right now I’m driving trucks to make a living. When I get a high paying job I’ll be paying more in taxes which means I’ll be paying back that Pell Grant I used. So are you saying that the elderly, the mentally challenged, and orphans should go out and get a job to pay for their services?

    BTW next time link to something that proves that War Shrub raised Pell Grants. Shrub saying that he increased Pell Grants (check the source from your link) would mean that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and Saddam had something to do with 9/11.

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  14. Warcriminal
    WarBush  almost 13 years ago

    Wow Sven even though you pretend to know what you’re talking about you really don’t. Ignorant is too kind a word for you.

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  15. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Nazi Germany functioned as a corporate oligarchy. Hitler needed and received the willing help of large German companies to rebuild the German war machine.

    As far as wage & price controls, coupled with inflation & shortages… that sounds like the Nixon Administration.

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  16. Thp 5
    svenskabru2u  almost 13 years ago

    WC, I now expect that kind of noise from you. I’ll let your comment stand on it’s own. Dtrout? Do you honestly believe every operation in the ‘80 and ’90s was unclassified or newsworthy? I served in several, including Desert Storm, and apparently that wasn’t combat by your standards either. I suspect that you aren’t impressed because we didn’t lose.

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