La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for June 11, 2009

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I don’t think Sotomayor is actually a racist. However, the evidence is strong that she is a collectivist, meaning she thinks of people primarily as members of a group rather than as individuals.

    Further, she thinks that one’s membership in some ethnic group, race, class, etc., is the controlling factor in one’s values and principles, hence her famous and often-repeated statement about a Latina vs. white judge’s ability to reach a just decision.

    It is only individuals that have rights, not groups per se, and the Supreme Court is the final line of defense of individual rights against the other Branches. Having a collectivist on the Court is at odds with its moral and Constitutional duty to protect each and every American equally, regardless of ethnicity, race, or class, one individual at a time.

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  2. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  almost 15 years ago

    Actually, she was specifically referring to cases involving gender or race discrimination, and yes, someone who has been discriminated against WOULD understand the case better than someone who hasn’t. Such as yourself, PSchearer. Also, your claim she’s a collectivist has no merit and is clearly based on your disgust with the fact she dares to be proud of her heritage. You want all minorities to be like Michael Steele or Justice Thomas, who sweep it under the rug and act like it never existed even though it’s shaped every day of their lives.

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    pilotx  almost 15 years ago

    We are all “collectivists”, it’s just a matter of what group we belong to. If we self identify with the majority “WCM’s” in this country you’re generally viewed as “ok” but if you identify with a group that is not in the mainstream you’re viewed as somehow suspicious. For example, if one joins a fraternity that is majority Black or Latino they will be labled as joining a Black or Latino frat but if one joins a majority white frat it’s viewed simply as joining a frat. I agree with justice Sotomyer, it’s about time somebody at least understands what it’s like for us “others” here.

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    The posts of BlueRaven and PilotX are evidence of how thoroughly collectivism has permeated our culture and people’s thinking. This group-think way of looking at people has severely damaged the individualistic philosophy on which this country was founded. (It’s YOUR life, YOUR liberty, and the pursuit of YOUR happiness.) I notice nobody addressed the issue of rights, perhaps because that’s too individualistic an idea for them.

    On another comic where I posted the same argument as above I was challenged to read Sotomayor’s entire speech. I did and I found she’s exactly as collectivist as the famous sound-byte implied. Your can Google for “Sotomayor Latina speech text” and go to the UCB site.

    My recommendation: get her off ANY court and let her be a a powerful advocate for her positions, like Thurgood Marshall and Brown vs. Bd. of Ed. If she’s right, she should win regardless of who’s on the bench and will do more good for the country than she will making bad decisions as a justice.

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    pilotx  almost 15 years ago

    Uhhhhhh, you are correct it is MY life but I also understand that in some respects we are all collectivists in one manner or another.One looks out for their friends and family. Humans are tribalistic by nature and to think otherwise is overly simplistic. Let’s not even get into what philosophy founded this country which is also part of the problem. Certain people think only their ideas and concepts are correct which is why for so many centuries only wealthy Anglo male land owners were alowed to vote and others were deemed less than human. It does get somewhat offensive when only the majority’s view is considered and all others are discounted. Even Mel Martinez, senator FL (R) gets it. This is no different than when Michelle Obama got in trouble for her comment that most Black people understood, we got it. At least TRY to see things from a different perspective but we know most don’t which is why we need a wise Latina on the bench.

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