Jeff Stahler for April 30, 2024

  1. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  about 1 month ago

    Talk to me so you can see Oh, what’s going on (Marvin Gaye)

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    Concretionist  about 1 month ago

    I remember the anti-Vietnam protests (and several less earth-shaking ones including some that I was involved in where we wanted the school administration to stop investing in things that we felt promoted war). This is in some sense less self-serving (it’s not OUR war this time). And it is good to see students standing up for what they’re sure is right, even at some considerable cost to themselves.

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    ibFrank  about 1 month ago

    Students protesting people dying that not right. /s

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member about 1 month ago

    C’mon folks, cut to the quick:


    (What Would Archie Bunker Say?)

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    abram.blaak  about 1 month ago

    Actually, they have NO idea at all

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    FJB  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    They need to watch Sheryl Sandberg’s documentary, “Screams before Silence” and then they might understand why Israel has every right to destroy every Hamas member that they can find. You may remember Sheryl, former Meta COO. This documentary will move you. After that I would debate anyone about Bibi’s motivation for pursuing and eliminating Hamas.

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    oldchas  about 1 month ago

    I suppose I shouldn’t be at all surprised that the anti protest rhetoric of today sounds a whole lot like the crap I heard in the late sixties.

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    dflak  about 1 month ago

    I am 75 years old. Do the math: where did that put me in the 1960’s?

    Non-violent protest is often necessary. If it is accompanied by misdemeanor crime like trespassing. It is called Civil Disobedience. Of course, the protestors should be arrested for breaking the law. It is part of the process. It forces “the system” or “society” or whatever to acknowledge the issue.

    Civil Disobedience led to India’s independence, the downfall of apartheid in the USA (Union of South Africa) and the demise of separate but equal schools and segregated lunch counters in the other USA. Non-violent solutions are lasting solutions.

    Drastic injustices need to be addressed with drastic measures. NetenYAHOO (the misspelling is deliberate) is using weapons supplied by the United State to subjugate the citizens of GAZA. Tens of thousands have died. The worst that the protests have inflicted is inconvenience. Nobody has been killed as a result of the demonstrations. The two issues are not on the same moral level.

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    Retrac Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Yes, there is that.

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    FJB  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Speaking of “what’s going on in the world”, here’s yet another example of dem policies in a blue city (this time, Chicago) that are ruining America. D.A.’s not prosecuting criminals, but rather releasing them to rob, and attack innocent civilians time and time again. Headline – Man charged with armed home invasion in River North has been arrested 5 times since September.

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  11. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 1 month ago

    When protests became a ’thing, I was a middle aged observer. While I agreed with the basic purpose, I was very upset at one truly erroneous responses to the Viet Nam War, i.e., the crowds who vilified returning military personnel, as if it were their fault for all of it.

    Our military did not begin the process of declaring a war and they did not have the power to refuse to serve when called. They never have. That’s up to the pols.

    Protestors’ targets should have been the pols who started the whole thing on a whim and continued it, despite overwhelming evidence that we should never have become involved. They should have boycotted their sessions and voted them out of office at the next election. That didn’t happen. Tragic.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 1 month ago

    What’s not good is the money and organization behind the protests. Bet a doughnut that most of the “students” care squat about the Palestinians but are there to embarrass the current government’s policies. AND.. given its an election year works to the republican advantage.

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    History proves student protesters to always be right.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Actually, it is, whether one agrees with them or not.

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    As I wrote elsewhere:

    TEACH THEM! These are supposed to be the brightest getting an education and learning how to use their brains to solve issues. The campus unrest in the 1960s brought an end to the draft and the pullout of Vietnam. Today these kids have what we didn’t, the internet. If the Palestinian supporters in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world reached out to the Israeli students in Israel who are protesting Netanyahu’s policies, discarded the racism/bigotry, and joined forces against the common foe of war, Netanyahu would fall. The future leaders of the world could set the bar at their own level.

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    Grandma Lea  about 1 month ago

    SS-Obergruppenführer Arthur Greiser, removed Polish civilians from successive regions and resettled them with Germans, 350,000 of whom were ethnic German refugees from Eastern European nations (Just as were the Hebrews from Europe who forced their way into Palestine taking ancestral homes from Palestinians and forcing them into refugee camps where thousands died; some of the people removed were executed systematically. The planned development of Israeli colonies “Bibi” Netanyahu seems focused like the Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah on the elimination of Palatines for the same reasons, Greiser had in Poland and based on their actions the Israelis learned well from the Nazis and emulate many of the same actions. FYI: I am against the murder of innocent people to include those giving them humanitarian aid.

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    Mekoides  about 1 month ago

    Be accurate in your depiction of these “protesters” – show them wearing masks, head-dresses and dark glasses to hide their identity. Why are they so afraid to show their faces if they are protesting something so righteous in frant of the world press????

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    dogday Premium Member about 1 month ago

    All I can say is, I bet all those “safe spaces” colleges and unis established for the students who unable to cope with differing opinions, etc., must be OVERFLOWING!

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    Searcy9320  about 1 month ago

    Truth is we should have handled those countries years ago. Now those countries are sending their killers and terrorist here crossing the border to relive 9-11!

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