Jeff Danziger for March 10, 2024

  1. 161326 jus dis crow
    RitaGB  3 months ago

    Can’t like this one, but it needs to be seen.

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    GroupiesOfPutin  3 months ago

    cons don’t actually govern anything. Their job is to make up things for people to be afraid of …then say they are going to stop that made up thing and do nothing and then congratulate themselves when voted for.

    That’s why they vote against things they complain about like border security, they want America worse off so they can get voted for and abuse their positions to benefit themselves.

    trump literally said he wants people destitute and losing their homes and jobs and dying poor in the streets, so they are angry enough to vote for him.

    cons want to destroy legislation that helps the people. They haven’t introduced anything to help the people since the EPA under Nixon, and even that can be considered a way to prevent new companies to compete with already established companies who become wealthy from the lack of EPA regulations.

    In Minnesota, dems finally got control of all 3 branches of the state and are passing things like : Ban on corporate buying of rental properties, paid sick leave, paid paternity and maternity leave, food for schoolchildren, Investment in Environment, Public Housing, Higher Wages, Rent control etc etc

    In Texas they passed law allowing Ted Cruz to pay himself first from his campaign donations. To ban abortions. To burn books. To Hunt women who try to have abortions. Spent 130M paid to a top Republican Donor’s company to traffic immigrants across states and drop them off like abandoned pets. Removal of diversity, equity, and inclusion departments. Arresting and putting Teachers on sex-offenders list for offering comfort or support to any child expressing themselves as non-binary/trans.

    That’s the con party. cons hate everything America and democracy stands for. cons hate American freedoms. cons hate American rights. cons hate Americans. cons hate America.

    They don’t want to govern, they want to rule.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 3 months ago

    The possible future of the three branches of government.An Impossible future for our country.

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  4. Animals being weird
    wildthing  3 months ago

    Project 2025 is the blueprint for a Christo-Fascist Dictatorship. Any “adults in the room” will be run out of government and replaced with GQP party loyalists. Trump is only there for the cruelty, but really any billionaire butt kisser will do.

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  5. Grimes
    SofaKing  3 months ago

    A vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump. Not voting at all is a vote for Trump. You may not like everything Biden and Democrats do, but everything Trump and the GQP fascists want to do is much worse. And you’ll never be able to vote them out of office, there will be no checks and balances.

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    If Trump is re-elected, America will become unrecognizable. You will lose more freedoms than you will ever realize, but by them it will be too late.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 3 months ago

    The “three” branches are already diseased with corruption. Should trump win the presidency one can be sure he will fix them to his benefit even more than he did the last time.

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    Glib Sporgen  3 months ago

    An Absolute A$$

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    GiantShetlandPony  3 months ago

    He’ll make the USA fail, just like all of his businesses.

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  10. Frank gifford
    nyg16  3 months ago

    After the criminal candidate goes to prison little Mikey can bring him a cake with a file in it on his conjugal visit

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    something like 2/3 of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was “stolen”. Facts don’t matter to them, whatsoever. But what that also means is that 2/3 of Republicans, for whatever reason, refuse to believe they’ve been duped. Suckered. Played for a fool. Hoodwinked. Gulled. And they get vicious when you point out the obvious.

    And when their traitorous, criminal, psycho hero says he wishes the economy would collapse, that he will be a dictator, will imprison millions in camps, wants to weaponize the government against any opponents or opposition, and admires the murderous dictators and enemies of our country… Republicans STILL don’t believe it.

    It’s obvious that otherwise-intelligent people are as permanently brainwashed as any terrorist or religious freak.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    What would the spirits of the grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought the Nazis in WWII think if they saw their grandsons and great-grandsons cheering for a fascist dictatorship to destroy our country from within?

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 3 months ago

    I am still waiting for evidence that Trump is controlling Johnson.

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  14. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 3 months ago

    Agolf Twitler is getting into the WH. His tour leaves in ten minutes.

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    gammaguy  3 months ago

    If Trump does become dictator “for a day” and orders the “Supreme” Court to approve putting all blacks into concentration camps, “Justice” Thomas will be surprised to find that they don’t care that he “identifies” as “white”.

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    purepaul  3 months ago

    It would certainly inspire a screenplay titled the Nightmare on Constitution Avenue.

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    rossevrymn  3 months ago


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    Foxcarver Premium Member 3 months ago

    This was the plan. Gingrich, McConnell – the entire lot…a permanent Republican majority with a ruling executive. Trump is part of their means along with court packing, gerrymandering, vote suppression and seriously bending the rules and twisting the Constitution. It’s never been subtle. It’s the ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ that Hillary Clinton pointed out to those who chose not to see.Can we vote our way out of it? I guess we’ll find out.

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    pasharuzam Premium Member 3 months ago

    This will be a new American horror show: The Nightmare on Trump Boulevard (because Trump will rename Pennsylvania Avenue).

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