Chris Britt for February 22, 2024

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    dotbup  4 months ago

    Imagine taking a few Bible verses on human sexuality and demanding they be legislated over our entire country, yet reducing the +3,000 Bible verses calling for a generous use of wealth that prioritizes the poor, the vulnerable, and the refugee to a private, personal choice.

    Next on their agenda will be arresting women for menstruating — purposeful destruction of the cozy home for eggs.

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    phritzg Premium Member 4 months ago

    It’ll be necessary to assign Social Security numbers to all those frozen blobs of cells, so when tax returns are filed, they can be claimed as dependents. The Bureau of the Census will have to amend its population data to account for these extra “persons”. State and federal redistricting will have to be redone so the areas that gained population are fairly represented.

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    nodjt  4 months ago

    What law school do these idiots go to? Harvard and Yale daycare?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 4 months ago

    Funny….and yet sad!

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    SofaKing  4 months ago

    Fertility clinics in Alabama are closing. Couples going to other states are being refused treatment, concern over something going wrong and Alabama coming after them. Is this what you want the United States to be like? Keep voting for the GQP.

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    Aviatrexx Premium Member 4 months ago

    I was said that when NASA opened the Marshall Spaceflight Center in 1960, it doubled the IQ of the state. So given the decline in the US space program …

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    Mad4U  4 months ago

    This means that medical abortions are also considered murder. What’s next, banning contraception as it’s killing a potential zygote? Why are there so many conservative Catholics on the court?

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    wellis1947 Premium Member 4 months ago

    One of the consequences of deeming frozen embryos as “human” is that they become essentially immortal since you can never check them for “viability” – because if you “defrost” one and it’s no longer “viable” then you can be charged with murder, so who’s going to take the chance?

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    IndyW  4 months ago

    Is this not just a frozen egg? And after fertilization, it then becomes an embryo? So what’s the big deal?

    embryo, an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development, in particular a human offspring during the period from approximately the second to the eighth week after fertilization (after which it is usually termed a fetus).

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    jjbarefoot  4 months ago

    “How many children do you have?”“Three, a 3-year-old, one in the oven and 8 in the freezer”.

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