Eric Allie for July 24, 2023

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    piper_gilbert  10 months ago

    Swing and a miss.

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    wirepunchr  10 months ago

    Bull hockey. Allie’s projection.

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    thelordthygod666  10 months ago

    Ah, I understand. Eric wasn’t even born when Nixon was president and only in junior high school during the Reagan years. He is too young to know that weaponized government was perfected and only used by Republicans.

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    Bendarling1  10 months ago
    Horse shoes and hand grenades, nukes too.But “weaponization is yet another fascist trope from the Republicans
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    DangerMan  10 months ago

    Somebody else attempted to weaponize government and basically promises to do so again if re-installed…. somebody who can dish it out but cannot take it.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 10 months ago

    “Donald Trump and his allies are preparing for a second term in office that would massively expand the power of the presidency, centralizing control within the Oval Office.”

    Nice projection Eric.

    If right-wingers like eric didn’t have gaslighting, they would have any light at all.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Lying republican anti democracy traitors brought it on themselves.

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    ncorgbl  10 months ago

    The government is ‘weaponized’ by our constitution and our vote to defend ‘WE, the People’ from those who break the Law. No one is above the Law. There are well over 100 pending counts in charges on top of two impeachments. Where there is smoke, there is likely fire. tRump is a firestorm.

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    DrDon1  10 months ago

    Just Allie selling more of the Liar-in-Chief’s ‘Big Lie!’

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  10. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  10 months ago

    Let me know when they get to the weaponizing of government against teachers and doctors. And women and minorities.

    Oh, trivialities are a priority? What a surprise!

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  11. Missing large  10 months ago

    Has Trump paid his back taxes yet? Assuming he actually has any REAL money…..

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  12. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Trump target letter opens door to charging a ‘full range of one or more conspiracies’

    As ABC reported last week, “The three statutes include conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States; a civil rights conspiracy charge; and tampering with a witness, victim or informant, according to sources. It’s not clear whether Smith will seek an indictment based on any of the statutes sources say are referenced in the target letter, or what range of charges Trump could ultimately face. The former president has denied all wrongdoing and dismissed Smith’s probe as a political witch hunt.”


    Trump’s latest attack includes special counsel’s family after bombshell tape revealed

    Former President Donald Trump intensified his attacks on special counsel Jack Smith, who oversaw the classified documents probe that led to Trump’s federal indictment.

    Trump railed against Smith and his criminal case on social media, and asked for someone to “explain” his position to the special counsel and his family and friends.

    Trump’s latest post came after CNN and other outlets published an audio recording of a meeting in which Trump references a document that he says is “highly confidential” and “secret.”


    I heard Jack Smith has the option of jailing Trump for his constant threats to law enforcement.

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  13. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  10 months ago

    And along those “weaponization” lines: those pictures of Hunter Biden that Rep. Greene gleefully paraded positively and conclusively prove that Hunter Biden arranged for his father to be bribed with millions of dollars from dozens of countries.

    Why else would she enter them into the Congressional Record?

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  14. Marx lennon
    charliekane  10 months ago

    So some dude breaks into my shed and I catch him trying to steal my lawn mower. So I guess I’s weaponizin’ gummint by callin’ th’ police on ’im?

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Here’s what we know about these unverified allegations: 1) Trump’s DOJ had this information and did not find it sufficiently credible to investigate. 2) the source of the information subsequently denied it. 3) The Burisma Russian propaganda has repeatedly been debunked.

    The White House, in its response, took on Grassley the messenger as well as the message.

    “It is remarkable that congressional Republicans…continue to push claims that have been debunked for years,” said White House spokesperson Ian Sams. “It’s clear that congressional Republicans are dead-set on playing shameless, dishonest politics and refuse to let truth get in the way.”

    House Oversight Committee Chair Comer and Sen. Grassley started demanding FBI Director Christopher Wray hand over the FBI-generated record back in May. The FBI resisted on protocol — though at the time Director Wray made the FD-1023 available to the Committee for examination.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Retired GOP judge warns ‘lemming’ Republicans are running towards ‘huge election losses’

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed her successor Kevin McCarthy for plans to expunge former president Donald Trump’s two impeachments, in an interview with CNN on Sunday.

    Ms Pelosi presided over both impeachments of Mr Trump, the first in 2019 when Mr Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden in exchange for military aid to the country, and the second in 2021 for the January 6 riot.

    “The president was impeached because we had no choice,” she said on CNN’s State of the Union. “He had undermined our national security, jeopardised our wellbeing of our country.”

    “Kevin, you know, is playing politics. It is not even clear if he constitutionally can expunge those things,” she told host Dana Bash. “If he wants to put his members on the spot, his members in difficult races on the spot, that is a decision he has to make. But this is not responsible. This is not about the flag still being there.”

    “This is about being afraid. As I’ve said before, Donald Trump is the puppeteer and what does he do all of the time but shine the light on the strings. These people look pathetic.”


    Kevin runs his House of Insurrection for Trump, not the United States of America.

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    GOP ‘risking a political wipeout’ because it hasn’t learned lesson about Trump: columnist

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    rs0204 Premium Member 10 months ago

    For the most part, trump has successfully convinced the Republican cult that if “he” is the target of an investigation, it is weaponized law enforcement or a witchhunt. The once proud party of Lincoln now chants Defund The FBI at events.

    It is not that trump is that smart. He is a semi-talented grifter who, in other respects, is almost functionally illiterate. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves. The trump cult allows…no…encourages trump to lie and manipulate them.

    Trump will win the nomination for the Republican cult. He will lose the general election. His drag on the ticket will flip the House back to Democrat control, and the Senate will pick up a few more Democrat seats. That is the price to be paid for supporting trump. You have been warned.

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    braindead Premium Member 10 months ago

    Like all The Disicples, Allie “knows” Trump is innocent.

    Because he has seen NO evidence of his guilt. How can Trump be guilty of stealing something that was already his? Since they’re already his, concealing their existence and LYING about it don’t count.

    It is the same “logic” that results in belief in widespread undetectable voter fraud.

    Trump Disciple analysis skills.

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    aristoclesplato9  10 months ago

    The Dems want to blow up the country and replace it with their socialist utopia. Politics is just the cover story.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  10 months ago


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    Jack7528  10 months ago

    Yeah would think!

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    The Nodding Head  10 months ago

    You want to see truly weaponized government? Look at Florida, Texas, Idaho, Ohio, and other red states,

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    billopfer Premium Member 10 months ago

    Eric proves himself to be historically stupid with this cartoon.

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    ibFrank  10 months ago

    Weaponized government isn’t that the correct name of the Benghazi’s hearings and now the Hunter Biden’s; the ones where MTG is showing porn (Hunter’s Pen*s)?

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    davidthoms1  10 months ago

    Guess Erica doesn’t pay attention to the threats coming from Trump and his flunkies about what they will do given a chance.

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    Rich Douglas  10 months ago

    It’s as if Donald Trump and Bill Barr didn’t ever exist.

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  29. Mongo
    Mongo  10 months ago

    Yeah, when you Dims try this crap, it ALWAYS blows up in your face.

    I give you the Reed Rule.

    Done in haste to confirm lower court judges, used effectively to put the direction of the SCOTUS back on the Constitution path.

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    Rich Douglas  10 months ago

    Remember when Trump tried to shake down the Ukrainian president to get him to announce an investigation into Joe Biden? You know, the one that got him impeached. Now THAT was an explicit example of weaponizing government, using it (and the $400 million already appropriated for Ukrainian aid) to accomplish a political outcome.

    Anything like that from Biden? Please share.

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    David Grindel Premium Member 10 months ago

    Ha Ha Ha! I’m from the Federal Government & I’m here to help!!!!!!! One of Reagans best lines & he was right!

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  32. Trumpafix
    zerorest  10 months ago

    Especially when Republicans escalate the Impeachment wars.

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    Bendarling1  10 months ago

    Another swing and a miss

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