Joel Pett for October 01, 2021

  1. Pine marten3
    martens  over 2 years ago

    Seems to require an awful lot of time and energy for “keeping up” in a way that reduces your actual direct interactions with real people. Virtual is better than real?

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    They’re like a lot of tools / appliances: You can use them well or badly. With two exceptions, every one of my 400+"facebook friends" is (was in a couple of cases where they’ve passed away but their spouse/SO has maintained the account) also an IRL friend… or at least acquaintance. So don’t call THEM imaginary! Privacy is already a joke, but I’ve turned all the privacy levers up to “maximum”, I don’t use any of the “apps”, so they are not able to access my account details, and I use FB Purity, too. (Look it up). I figure, for me, FB is no worse than a highball before supper (not a good thing, but pleasant and not killing me quickly anyway).

    That other stuff… maybe so, but it’s really NOT my job to police the behavior of “corporate humans” … or their bosses.

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  3. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Facebook appears to have been instrumental in getting Trump elected, which certainly didn’t make America “great”.

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  4. 20170719 134838
    Terdarian  over 2 years ago

    You would think that a corporation with this much power and influence would be a threat to the leaders of the world…corrupt or not. So it makes me wonder how much money they are handing out to these beauracrats to allow it to keep spewing the lies and disinformation without any consequences?

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