Matt Davies for February 16, 2020

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member over 4 years ago

    ’Wouldn’t put it past ’em.

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    piobaire  over 4 years ago

    Why shouldn’t we the people have what other developed, democratic countries have?

    The answer: Greed.

    “No!” the oligarchs shout. “We haven’t made enough money yet! We don’t want to figure out another way to get more than our share!”

    “And if we oligarchs don’t have access to more and more money, how will we buy politicians and rig the system in our favor?”

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    If Dnc had any power, Bernie wouldn’t be in the race.

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    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    Will somebody, anybody, bloody do something? :-O

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The DNC caused their own loss of the 2016 election. They “rigged” the election for Hillary- They believed that she would be most likely to win and she had been a loyal participant in Democratic politics for decades. They put all their muscle behind her and that worked against Bernie, almost certainly causing him to be defeated in the primaries. She would have been a good president. Compared to Trump, she would have been a great president. And, she did win, by three million votes, just not in the states than have heard nothing other than Republican propaganda for decades. . The thing is the DNC is a private organization. It has no responsibility to represent the voters. It sponsors the candidate it prefers. The organization preferred Hillary. To be upset about that fact is to misunderstand that the parties exist to push their agenda, and to support the candidates that they believe will further that agenda. If you agree with their agenda, then support them. If you don’t support their agenda, then that would be a dumb thing to do, because they don’t represent you, they never promised to do so, and they have no responsibility to you. And, it doesn’t make any more sense to allow them to determine your opinion of any candidate than it would if it were your local YMCA. For that, you need to actually do a little research ( try Open Secrets) and find out who does best represent your opinions. But, most Bernie supporters, myself among them, actually agree with about 95% of the Democratic party agenda. And, most of them disagree with roughly 1000% of the Republican agenda. When a Bernie supporter says that they will refuse to vote for anyone else, which it is reported that 15% of Bernie supporters actually did in 2016, that is the epitome of stupid. Those 15% would have given us President Hillary and if anyone thinks that wouldn’t be any better than Trump, they are either lying, shilling for the Republicans or completely put of touch with reality.

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    RonaldMorrison  over 4 years ago

    That’s for damned sure. The DNC’s puppies are grooming Bloomberg. Just wait and see!

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    lonecat  over 4 years ago

    Sanders is not my first choice, but I disagree with a lot of the charges against him. First, he’s not a socialist. He does not advocate the social ownership of natural resources and the means of production. He believes that a small part of the economy should be socialized, but that’s not the same as socialism. Universal single payer health insurance (socialized medicine) is a perfectly possible system. It’s not the only way to cover everyone, but it works reasonably well in Canada, and there’s no reason it can’t work in the US. Or some other system that covers everyone. Next, the costs of higher education have become ridiculous. It wasn’t always this way, and it’s not this way everywhere. When I was a lad, the California college system was free (I think for in-state students). If they could do it then, why can’t we do it now? Well, because the people in power have decided that education is not a public good and shouldn’t be publicly supported. Bernie’s ideas are not really so wild. As I say, Sanders is not my first choice, but don’t fall for the lies that are being spread about him.

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    martens  over 4 years ago

    Nobody kept Sanders voters quarantined in 2016 except those voters themselves. Don’t blame that on the DNC. I voted for Sanders in the primary mainly to bring his ideas into the Democratic platform, which it did, but I voted for Clinton in the general election. As far as this election goes, I would rather have a candidate in the general election who is not 79 or 80 upon taking office. That said, I will still vote for whoever is nominated by the Democrats. Another pet peeve I have in this campaign season is the number of conservatives who are saying that if the Democrats nominate Sanders or Warren, they will lose because the conservative who want Trump gone won’t vote for either of them. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. I begin to think this country is made up of a lot of elementary school kids. As it is, less than half the eligible voters actually vote, but it doesn’t stop them from complaining.

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    walkingmancomics  over 4 years ago

    Aint it the truth, “quarantined.”

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Barr is working on it…

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Fighting about the Dnc from either side helps Putin. Yes, they don’t like Bernie. They can’t dictate outcomes. If they could, Hillary would have run in 2008, Obama in 2016.

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    piobaire  over 4 years ago

    The people saying, “We want an electable centrist, someone who can compromise!”, are setting themselves and us up for more failure.

    That’s because what ‘compromise’ means to Republicans, now Trumpublicans, is that Democrats are weak. Trumpublicans won’t meet Democrats and Independents half way. That’s delusional.

    “We Trumpublicans will run things the way we want to, a way that pleases Trumpublican donors and our other masters!”

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Electing a moderate is like agreeing to play the entire game inside the other team’s 50 yard line. I’d rather have someone who will fight for liberal ideals, and hope for a few hail Marys than to elect someone who goes into office already half defeated

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    gammaguy  over 4 years ago

    I’m curious as to where this meme of the DNC trying to shut out Bernie comes from. I haven’t seen anything at all about it — i.e., about “the DNC”, rather than Iowa, New Hampshire, etc. — in any of the media I follow, at least some of which are “main stream”.

    Has the Committee itself actually been making public announcements regarding the individual candidates, or is this another of those inventions by the “conservatives” (including and especially their cartoonists), intended to distract and confuse the less attentive “liberals”?

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    superposition  over 4 years ago

    But when you poll the voters …

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    mysterysciencefreezer  over 4 years ago

    Real talk: If there is a DNC effort to ace Bernie out? GOOD. The man’s a DINO who claims to be a political outsider (for four decades and counting), yet embraces the blue donkey when it’s time to actually do something. I’m surprised they didn’t put more barriers to entry in after 2016, but they probably figured Bernie wouldn’t be egotistical enough to try again.

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