Rob Rogers for November 14, 2019

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Exactly! How stupid do the Trumpers think most people are to try a defense of “I got caught planning the crime before I was finished committing the crime so I can’t be guilty.”

    Rob Rogers’ example of a bank robber is excellent. Bank robber bursts into the bank, points an assault-style weapon at the tellers and yells, “Everyone hit the floor” and tells the teller to fill his bag with cash. But the guard on duty shoots the gun out of his hand and quickly slaps the cuff on the would-be robber. The robber never got the money. He got caught before the crime was committed. So in Trumplandia, no crime.

    In like vein, a common occurrence is when a would-be terrorist, school shooter or someone trying to hire a hit man ends up (unknowingly) working with an undercover FBI agent who plays along all the way to providing dummy weapons, explosives, whatever. There was never any chance the crime would be completed. The hapless, incompetent, would-be terrorist or criminal still gets arrested and prosecuted.

    In the case of Trump and Ukraine, Trump illegally solicited help from a foreign head of state to help rig the upcoming 2020 election. To those who say, “Just wait until the next election,” NO — TRUMP IS TRYING TO RIG THE ELECTION (AGAIN) and solicit a foreign government to help him (again).

    We can’t wait for Trump to finish stealing another election to stop him from stealing it.

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    Ally2005  over 4 years ago

    Unless the judge is one of the new incompetent or always Trumper boot lickers that Moscow Mitch has ramrodded through senate confirmation.

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    jessie d. Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The GOP cannot govern and they prove it willingly each day and have since Nixon. This last batch, let’s hope they don’t do in our blessed America.

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  4. Tonto crop
    Tonto & Redd Panda  over 4 years ago

    So the GOP defense is “I shot at him, but missed, so no foul, right?” That kind of thing? If I drink a liter of Olde Tombstone (fine blended whiskey) that might make sense.

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    Marv S  over 4 years ago

    So the first two witnesses never met Trump and weren’t in on the phone call? They reported hearsay of hearsay? And when the Republican Congressman asked them to specify just what in that phone call was an impeachable offense, they were unable to respond? If that’s the best you’ve got, let’s save the money and just all go home. Sounds like Mueller all over again. Send in the clowns.

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