Pat Oliphant for December 08, 2010

  1. Missing large
    kreole  over 13 years ago

    A female elf? And matronly?

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  2. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  over 13 years ago

    Kreole, of course there are female elves, you don’t think that elves are found under mushrooms in the forest?

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    alan.gurka  over 13 years ago

    Santa has all coal and no toys. Has everyone been bad?

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    cartwrights  over 13 years ago

    Head ‘em up, move ‘em out, Rawhide! Maybe we need Clint Eastwood back as Rowdy Yates?

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 13 years ago

    Kelly’s rental sleigh? Coal? Is that Harry Reid posing as Santa? IMO it’ll never fly! is the Coal intended for the voters who ousted so many Democrats? did Obama get the Elephant and Donkey yoked up by his “deal” on 2 years extended tax rates and unemployment benefits? I think both R and D in Congress know they should definitely say NO, NO, NO! this “deal” expands government and will enable the Idle to stay Idle….

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  6. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 13 years ago

    It’ll never fly because that donkey is on the wrong side.

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  7. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    hey disgusted….how come you mention Obama and Reid by name but not ANY of the R’s who co-crafted this deal?

    You not fooling anyone with your pretense that ‘both’ sides are to blame for this.

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  8. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 13 years ago

    ^Filibuster Owie.

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  9. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 13 years ago

    “I think both R and D in Congress know they should definitely say NO, NO, NO! this “deal” expands government and will enable the Idle to stay Idle”

    66% of all Americans support an extension of the unemployment benefit. The point that the GOP so “generously” conceded - so they woudn’t get to be the party that blocked benefits when unemployment was over 9%. Real big gesture, right there.

    Meanwhile, the number of people who want tax cuts for the rich to expire is higher than those who want them kept, but when did that stop anyone?

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  10. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago

    This is a buffet. There is civil discourse & inane prattle. You can try everything, or skip the offerings from people that you know are just going to keep trotting out the leftovers. On days when it’s all droppings from one or another burdensome beast, it can be amusing to hang out under the bridge & poke at things. You might get someone’s goat.

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  11. Old bear
    T Gabriel Premium Member over 13 years ago

    These hateful comments about all these unemployed folks who need extended help to keep their lives from absolutely falling to pieces puts in writing what we are quickly becoming - a society of “me first.” Of course I know we have long been so but it is getting literally painful to be continually reminded how low into the gutter we are slipping.

    It is like some of you think all the unemployed everywhere are eligible for this aid. I spoke with an acquaintance last night at work who was railing on and on about how some of his kin here in NC are just living off HIS tax money and they need to get off their lazy butts and find work.

    Two things were wrong with that statement and they go to the heart of this issue. First, after I was able to get him to admit it, the only person he knows who is on unemployment has only been on unemployment for six weeks. And that is after a one month waiting period. The second is that there are only four or five states that even qualify for the “99”. His notions about the numbers of people who can get the aid are mostly influenced by the constant hammering by the “liberal” press that shouts from the highest treetop about these few folks who need extended help. Again, when pressed he admits that his and most of his friends and neighbors are not really all that bad off.

    Another thing that seems to not be considered and I have as yet seen no conversation about is this: A fellow and his lifemate had an income of $150000 a year. They lived within their means, had no huge credit card debt, were paying on one newish car and the second car is paid for. They have a mortgage that they qualified easily for nine years ago. Their children know money is not free and have been brought up to understand they cannot have everything. So the husband gets laid off. Nothing even remotely close to his $75000 a year is available anywhere within a hundred miles of home or anywhere at all, probably. He is getting the maximum weekly allowance of around $450 or so yielding less than half his former take home.

    His partner was cut back to part-time and lost all benefits in the cut and cannot qualify for unemployment because half time is not unemployed. If she quits she has no options in terms of finding a new job. Same as the other, no high middle class income jobs in her field are available without a cross country move or something similar. The family now is making less than a third of what they were making when 2010 started.

    So many of you here now think they should just take “some job” in order to not be on unemployment. They are prepared to spend, retirement funds and college funds for children in order to keep up with their obligations. Fortunately they are young enough (mid 40s) to be able to recover the retirement funds (maybe) but they still are facing serious trouble the longer this goes on.

    Given such a scenario what would you who so smugly condemn such folks for their misfortune have these people do? Live within their means? What does such an idea even mean? When you decide to buy a house do you do so with the thought that you will lose your job and need to buy one you can afford if you are on unemployment?

    What is it you evil vermin want? People have ups and downs in their lives. This means ALL people. Those of you who choose to condemn people who have stumbled along the way through no fault of their own do not deserve for the ones of you who simply want to criticize. It seems like many of you just do hurtful things and wish for dire outcomes simply because you are just full of self-loating and cannot demonstrate even a smidgen of compassion for the unfortunate among us.

    Another acquaintance told me there are lots of jobs out there if these people would just get off their lazy butts and go look. However when pressed about all of those jobs the response is just a blank stare. No answers except to rush off to someone else who won’t ask hard questions.

    One writer above said he hoped all of your children are born with webbed feet. I can never generous. I would be banned if I wrote what I wish for you cretins. But what I can wish for is that those of you who seek to hurt just because you can find your comfortable world all balled up and at that precise moment the government many of you so hate decides to back off from any kind of safety net programs at all.

    Much like our society was prior to the Great Depression of the ’20s, ’30s, and ’40s. Now, those were days that divided the men from the boys. Such a thing ought to make most of you very happy.

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  12. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    And you oughta know jmatt, after a hopellelly deranged rant like that ‘un.

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  13. Prr
    Loco80  over 13 years ago

    Alright, let’s all watch “A Christmas Carol” and God bless us everyone! I do tear up watching my favorite version with George C. Scott. But the bottom line is that we cannot generalize about any large group of people, such as the unemployed. Does anybody really believe that NONE of them are milking it? Does anybody really believe that ALL of them are milking it? Where do we draw the line and still be fair to both the taxpayers AND the unemployed. Isn’t two years enough?

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