Jeff Stahler for June 13, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Dotard Trump (72 years old tomorrow) has clearly been bested by a ruthless dictator half his age (Kim Jong Un is 36) and twice as smart. Kim got everything he wanted and more (canceling joint military exercises was a bonus stabbing in the back of Japan and South Korea that even Kim hadn’t expected) and gave up nothing.

    Meanwhile, Trump whines that a seven-nation treaty with Iran as well as Russia, China, England, France, German and of course the United States, that included extensive and unprecedented access and verification, wasn’t strong enough.

    Once again, Trump (who not only failed to win a majority of the vote but didn’t even get the most votes of those running) proves he is not a tenth of the MAN as Barack Obama (who not only got the most votes, but outright majorities — twice [the first Democrat since FDR to do so]).

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    We’ll hear about the “rocket man” when (or if) Donnie realizes he got “snookered”! It may take him a while to come up with a good excuse for his massive display of hubris and blatant stupidity, but I have a great deal of trust that he’ll turn this around in such a way so as to blame someone else for his “cock-up”! It’s the Trumpian way!

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    DanFlak  almost 6 years ago

    I still need to see the complete text of the agreement. I’m not going to believe Fox news, the “fake liberal media” or any of the talking heads.

    However score one victory for North Korea. They have done what they could not do in 1952: drive the United States off the Korean peninsula. MAGA.

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    Zen-of-Zinfandel  almost 6 years ago

    Kim Possible.

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    noblepa  almost 6 years ago

    DANFLAK – Here it is:

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    robnvon Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Put me down for when Kim finds out we will still have military operations in August. Follow it up with when after his next act of aggression against South Korea, the South responds in kind and the US mobilizes in support of the south.

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