Lalo Alcaraz for November 30, 2010

  1. Missing large
    landshark67  over 13 years ago

    Maybe the first class should have been obeying the law?

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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 13 years ago

    Anybody want to explain this ‘toon? I don’t understand it.

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  3. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ^ DREAM Act.

    ^^ All of them, or just some?

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  4. Missing large
    ARodney  over 13 years ago

    Right. When you’re two years old, get on the list. Maybe by the time you’re 40 you’ll be at the top of the line.

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  5. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    “Countries have borders and there are rules that are to be followed if you want to gain the benefits of any large organization including becoming a citizen of a country and the benefits given to citizens.”

    Some countries also give exceptions to a specific country of individuals who violate that process and rewards them with what it is that this DREAM act is supposed to grant, and more.
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    comYics  over 13 years ago

    Are there any colleges in mexico?

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  7. Canstock3682698
    myming  over 13 years ago

    graduates w/ dreams aren’t wanted anymore…

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    comYics  over 13 years ago

    Thank you.

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  9. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 13 years ago

    This is a good cartoon. Besides bigotry, I cannot see any reason that people would not support the D.R.E.A.M. act.

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    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    Of course everyone should support the dream act because breaking the law obviously deserves to be rewarded which is why some prisoners are treated better than our elderly.

    Of course anyone who doesn’t support the liberal agenda is always called a (bigot/racist/insert typical comment here) and since Mr. BrianCrook has fulfilled that role, we may now all move forward. Since thats how the liberal propaganda train works. ALLLL Aboooooard. CHOOO CHOO! to the KOOO KOOO.. ;) Take it easy everyone.

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    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    Oooh brough the old Texass comment out.. How witty! It truely shows your methodology for the pursuit of intellectal endevours and the liberal approach of attack first and ignore discussion. That and it was such an original and intelligent jab that it practically left me speechless. You as always are my favorite trite little liberal Senorbullwinkle and I am glad to see that your keyboard courage is as strong as ever.

    You have reinforced what I said above about “Of course anyone who doesn’t support the liberal agenda is always called a (bigot/racist/insert typical comment here)”

    You see the problem here a difference of views. I live in a border state. We see the effects of the problem first hand and how it drains the system. My views are based on direct knowledge of a broken cycle of abuse against the US and its citizens.

    I tend to practice an across the board stance on things without exception. Murder is murder. Self Defense is Self Defense. Illegal Immigration is just that….. ILLEGAL. I don’t support laws that favor a group over another. Because I believe in equality in all things, not favoring a select few.

    For example I don’t support the hate crime laws. We have laws making murder illegal so I look at an altercation leading to death between two individuals of different races as murder or self defense. Its as plain and simple as that. There is already a law addressing the issue, so I see no reason to compound and convolute the system with petty racial attachments that deters truth. The hate crime concept is racist legislation. It is a law designed not for blind justice but it instead spreads racial contempt and deters the legal system from functioning under the veil of protection of given groups.

    In holding that all laws are applied equally then the stance of ignorance of the law is no exception. This applies to me, so it should apply to all others in fair measure. By your principle it would support that mugging someone because a person is poor is a justifiable action that should not be addressed by the law. That is hardly reasonable. The circumstance that the child was brought over at a young age is inconsequential to the fact that laws were broken. I am required to pay a ticket for speeding and I would go to jail for harming another. This is the standard that I am held to and I expect others to be likewise accountable for their actions. It is easy for some to judge because they aren’t usually affected by the problem of illegals but in the end are you willing to only punish law abiding citizens and reward criminals? It seems like a strange method of building a just society.

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    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    Care to define the “American favoured few” Dr. Canuck or is this just one of those typical unsupported outbursts thats your so fond of? I mean we have the potential for a real and possibly interesting discussion. I’ll even tolerate the name calling if you can keep it interesting. I’m mildly curious to see where this one can go.

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  13. Missing large
    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    In all fairness my caretakers chose not to break the law and raised their child to follow in that footstep. When I visit other countries, I take the time to follow their laws, customs and traditions. Its a matter of courtesy and its something that we’re taught to do in the southern US. I wouldn’t expect you to understand or for it even to be within your realm of comprehension.

    If personally belittling me over a forum makes you feel macho and powerful then I encourage you to continue, after all its easy to hide behind a monitor, interjecting expletives and in general being an bleeep to someone who is far away. Its probably comforting for you to be about spout out without repercussions, so this is probably a great release for you in contrast to your feelings of inadequacy in the real world.

    As far as it being TexAS$, does it bother you that our state doesn’t seem to really be afflicted by the recession and our work ethic and way of doing business keeps us affluent and fiscally secure when others are in turmoil because of their philosophical and business practices? Is it emotional instability on your part? Or just a general lack of compbleeepion for others that leads you to so easily stereotype an entire state together while attacking others for what you project of yourself upon them? Its ok, we forgive you and I hope you can get help and a little pill from Obamacare that makes it all feel better.

    In reagard to children being criminals, I’ve seen my fair share of 8 year old cutpurses in Thailand and other places. I suppose your right that if a child kills someone that they should merely be forgiven and theft should be accepted. After all they’re just kids.. right? Though I suppose you support zero tolerance in schools so kids are sent to juvy for defending themselves, its a liberal, double standard that seem right up your alley.

    I really think you can do better than the number 13 comment though it was dull and lacked any panache. Try to bring some substance to the discussion. Despite it being the mainstay of the mentally weak to only attack and never rebuke any of the points of an arguement, I would think at your age you could do better. Don’t worry we’re all rooting for you.

    Have a nice day and a very Merry Christmas. ;))

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  14. Missing large
    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    Nay, I stated that I am held accountable when I violate the law. When I speed I realize that I may be incarcerated (if I exceed 100 mph) and will be fined. When you illegally immigrate into the US you may be detained and deported. I am asking that all transgressions that violate the law be addressed.

    We in the US have most congenial illegal entry laws in the world. We do not carry penalties of death or long term imprisonment. Is it too much to ask that a person follow the laws of a country that they are visiting? There is a channel for legal immigration and that is the path that should be followed.

    If I went to Mexico, China, the Middle East or any other growing nation with industrial capabilities and remained illegally while demanding that I not be required to pay taxes and that they provide me with an education and other benefits then I suspect they would not treat me nearly as kindly as we treat similar violations.

    Also there are no accidents of birth, you can’t say, sorry lady I tripped and it slid in repeatedly. ;))

    I worked two jobs while paying my way through school assisted by the Hazelwood act which I earned and was not given freely. So I encourage others to do that same. There are many paths to success it merely takes the commitment and willingness to work in order to do things through the proper channels.

    If the illegal immigrant will work, pay their taxes and attend college after gaining citizenship through the proper legal channels or military service then I would not complain. If you want the equal standard then that is the standard I followed and I would not take that option away from anyone. Its also what my Father-In-Law did. He was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, got sponsored, joined the military to gain American citizenship and then went to work in the civilian sector after retiring. In the end this produced my wife so in no way can I begrudge him for earning his way.

    The means and method are as important as the end results. This is something we call character. It is not given. It is earned. Maybe it is too much to ask, but I do not think so.

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  15. Stitch
    dshepard  over 13 years ago

    ” Besides bigotry, I cannot see any reason that people would not support the D.R.E.A.M. act”

    Well excuse me for not agreeing with you. That, however, does not make me a bigot, racist, hate-monger or any of the other terms your ilk likes to throw around. Bigotry by definition is hating someone because they don’t believe like you do. Calling someone a bigot, hate-monger, or racist because they do not believe like you do IS BIGOTRY!

    The single biggest problem I have with the DREAM act is that it rewards those who have knowingly broken our laws. The second is that no one is saying where we are getting the money to do this. We are 13 trillion dollars in debt with a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit and we’re printing money to try to cover it up on top of all of that.

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  16. Missing large
    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    See, now David has so eloquently expressed concerns that I understand. I have a problem with rewarding those who have broken the law for years on end. They are aware that they are breaking the law and seem to believe that they should be rewarded for that type of behavior. That is not a question of bigotry but of ethics. Do we push back those who have in earnest followed channels to accept those who cut in line merely because they are closest?

    Dr. Canuck: If the issue could be seen as I am requiring them to do something I have not done and it must be equal then by that logic I would have to require them to do everything I have done. I was born here. I cannot reasonably require that of them so your circular logic falls short of practical reality in terms of realism.

    In all fairness part of my ancestors did go through immigration. We learned to speak English, memorized the pledge of allegiance, the constitution and assimilated into the melting pot of American culture. Though there is the other side of my family that that theoretically crossed a frozen continental shelf and then hypothetically would be illegal immigrants who were ousted by the modern US government if you wished to perceive it that way.

    As far as immigration is concerned there are certain things every government has to consider. Australia is very strict on its admission requirements and for good reason. I will try to explain through analogy based concepts and perhaps we will come to a logical accord.

    If you run a company and need a certified GMAW SMAW Single Hand Welder, do you hire a Sanitation Specialist merely because they want a job? No you look for what you need for the continued prosperity of the community as a whole. Otherwise you eventually face bankruptcy and then no one has a job or can make ends meet. In the end its simply logistics. There are only so many jobs, consumables and dwellings that can be freely distributed before you begin to take away from others who are struggling for survival. Bringing the best of a field together strengthens the community as a whole.

    To approach immigration like you propose you would have to consider things like evacuating a man from his house and taking food from his family so that someone else can move in and dine on the fare they have earned and stored for themselves? That would hardly seem fair.

    In times of plenty you can consider generousity and graciously providing excess but when the village is nearly out of money and suffering is not the time to be giving away the last resources available.

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  17. Sherman
    DamYankee22  over 13 years ago

    It seems the the posts from Canadians show more common sense than those from the US. If it wasn’t for the weather, I’d be tempted to move to Canada.

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  18. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 13 years ago

    It seems like a good idea to me… these kids having a chance to be legitimate citizens in exchange for, what was that? Keeping your nose clean, plus either attending college or serving in the military?

    What a deal! And in the case of some of these immigrants who came across when they were infants, it only took… 18 years to get full citizenship!

    So we’re turning this down because… why? I’m serious. Why? Colleges are beginning to hurt for attendees that will actually graduate, and the military is having a dickens of a time meeting recruitment goals because too many of the “legal” citizens who apply are either stupid, obese beyond help, or have a rap list that runs just a bit too long for comfort.

    I really do not get it. This is opportunity, people!

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