Clay Jones for March 11, 2018

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    Russia SOLD nuclear weapons technology to Kim Jong-un’s North … › News › World

    Dec 29, 2017 – RUSSIA is responsible for North Korea’s nuclear weapons, newly released documents have claimed. … Earlier this month Russian lawmakers warned Trump that Kim Jong-un will not back down from building its nuclear arsenal and any attempts to force him to would be like "playing with fire”.

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  2. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 6 years ago

    Kim will get what he wants, Trump will make some money off the taxpayers, and the middle class will suffer again.

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  3. 2738179 1920x1080 34826
    Ally2005  about 6 years ago

    North Korea has sought a meeting with a US President for years. They get Trump. Every other administration has insisted on conditions and a framework for talks. Trump settles for a photo op. Un gets the world stage for a moment in time. Nothing will come of this. Trump will claim a Nobel Peace Prize. He’s still not sure which Korea is the good one.

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  4. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 6 years ago

    When… a government deliberately creates a condition that starves its people.. the rest of the world kind of objects.. YET.. when the rest of the world puts on sanctions that create the same condition.. this is a good thing?? Really?? Just a tad of hypocrisy I think.

    There may be some perverted satisfaction to bring a leader to his knees.. but if it meant starving thousands (millions) was it really a win you can brag about.

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