Scott Stantis for October 20, 2017

  1. Missing large
    fuzzbucket Premium Member over 6 years ago

    If they do form their own state, they can call it ‘Bankruptcy’ since they’ll have no one to mooch from.

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    denis1112  over 6 years ago

    A look at the debt clocks from both Illinois and Kansas tell a story that does not jib with your comment..The spending in Kansas is about what their revenue is.While in Illinois their spending far exceeds their revenue.

    Kansas ’s credit rating is AA-.

    While Illinois is BBB- ,one step above junk bonds.

    I noticed the negative stories about Kansas are mostly 2-3 years old while the ones about Illinois are more current.

    Libs never look up much of anything.Effort is required.

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    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    Mythology in politics…. It never fails to amuse me…. But I do feel sorry for the people who buy it….

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 6 years ago

    ANTIQUETRACMAN, the higher state tax was fixing the budget issues until it expired under Rauner. While I am not a fan of Madigan’s, Rauner is a hazard for Illinois. His refusal to even talk about a budget until he got ALL of his anti-worker wishes granted caused bond problems along with more instability. Even when he said he got 90% of what he wanted, he still vetoed the bill. He appointed a long-term friend Leslie Munger to comptroller position when Judy Topinka died; Topinka had planned on eliminating comptroller while if office and combine it with Treasury. When Munger lost re-election, Rauner created an “assistant governor” position for her ($300K). His insistence on $75 million to go to private schools hurts public schools. Rauner’s commercials are being shown non-stop, yet he still says he hasn’t decided if he is running for re-election. BTW, he promised he would only serve one-term.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Look closer @DENIS1112. Brownback literally broke our state so we can’t spend on things like roads, bridges, schools and social services. Heck, we didn’t even have the money to repair our capital building and had to steal from school funding to keep the state afloat. Brownback took us from $600 million surplus to about $1 billion deficit now with his insane experiment until the State Legislature finally got the balls to push back and save the state from becoming Mississippi poor. He dramatically eliminated taxes for the rich under orders from the Koch brothers and exempted LLC’s from taxation all of which left the tax burden on the working people. With all the young folks desperately trying to leave the state we no longer have the labor force to draw new industry to our state. Which also means we are losing industry and businesses to other states. So yea, @OLDCOAL is right because we really took it in the butt for the GOP and the Koch brothers and we’re talking now, not months ago. The pain of Brownback is still on us.

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