Matt Wuerker for April 18, 2017

  1. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Donnie Drumpf and Leona Helmsley; “Taxes? My dear, only the LITTLE PEOPLE pay taxes!” Donnie Drumpf; “I can’s disclose my taxes because I’m under an I.R.S. Audit!” The I.R.S.; “There’s NO regulation against disclosing your taxes even if you ARE under an Audit!” The real chumps? The goobers that voted for this LYING con-man!

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  2. Missing large
    "It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Working with the tax code that Congress developed. Not one party, but both parties.

    78,000 pages of tax law alone.

    I think that the federal government takes too much of my money. The tax pyramid should be inverse of what it is, and the largest percentage of my tax money ought to go to my local taxes, next lowest to the county, and less to the state, and the feds should get the least amount of our taxes.

    And EVERY person’s goal for taxation should be to give the least amount to the government that our laws allow, and not a single penny more.

    If he, or anyone, paid nothing, don’t get mad at him. He is just playing by the rules that Congress made. Like him or not, he is following the law (in this cartoon) by ensuring that he has followed the law.

    If you want to pay more in taxes – then go ahead and write that check. Nothing is stopping you from writing a check to the feds, just don’t tell anyone else to do it.

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  3. Bbb
    NeoconMan  about 7 years ago

    ^ Aw, who cares about home businesses? It’s the multinationals that should be getting everyone’s tax money. Their profits aren’t nearly huge enough.

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