Jeff Stahler for January 11, 2017

  1. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I listened to his farewell speech and it made me cry. I miss him already. I wish I could be positive about the incoming administration, but I am afraid.

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    twclix  over 7 years ago

    It will be some time before the country recovers from this election. We have a Congressional investigation to go through, and a probable impeachment due to Russiagate. Poor trump’s mental illness and inability to focus will cause this to be a big spectacle. As Old Coal has said, pass the popcorn.

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    Coopersdad  over 7 years ago

    President Obama made me proud. tRump makes me fearful, sad, depressed and angry.

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    dflak  over 7 years ago

    The main problem with a Democracy is you get the government you deserve.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Trump’s favorable ratings are already sinking to Nixon territory. He’s done almost nothing to inspire any confidence in his competency or interest in fighting the elites of DC who want to make sure the wealthy keep increasing their share of GDP. His top priorities are taking healthcare away from millions of people & cutting taxes on people like himself. Get ready for another deficit explosion.

    The only question is what country he will invade in order to create a distraction from his miserable performance.

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  6. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago

    It’s not easy winning a federal election.

    You have to represent government as being ineffective ( and prove it by favoring corporate interests when in office) to keep as many people from voting as possible, or even registering to vote.

    You have to make the candidates seem really extreme to create as much division as possible during the primaries.

    You really have to apply extreme gerrymandering when you can … the ideal would be to get all your opponents into a single district.

    You need to have limited registration periods, special photo IDs, and do heavy purging of registrations lists.

    Make sure states favor winner take all over proportional representation in choosing electors for the EC.

    The rest is obfuscation and innuendo which should be subtle.

    A lot of work to get a minority view in power, but it can be done!

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