Clay Jones for December 03, 2016

  1. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    She’ll tell you so, herself!

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  2. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  over 7 years ago


    House minority leader Pelosi is a true visionary gem. Today’s pundits and pessimists ridicule her for being out of step with the ‘heartland’ and mid-west conservative voters (as if that were a bad thing).


    She is very aware of her role as a true progressive, a genuinely principled moral stalwart – along with Sen. Sanders and President Obama – who defend the ideals of 1776 without much regard to ‘practical’ politics. Defending ideals and causes you believe to be just is a sign of strength, not cause for ridicule.


    There are one-hundred million + eligible voters who sit out every election. In 1916 only 17% of the total population voted – with us on the brink of world-war. In 2016 39% of us voted. By 3016 a majority of Americans will vote, far too many for the elite to suppress and deceive.


    Chasing short term demographics (or ‘stealing’ conservative and wishy-washy voters) is no way to inspire and govern a nation. One day the sleeping giant (the 100 million non-voters) will awaken and want representation. Hopefully someone just like Nancy Pelosi will be there for them.

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  3. Sunset
    TheTrustedMechanic  over 7 years ago

    As a more centrist but apparently liberal minded moderate who thinks for himself, I found this cartoon funny. Even if the truth in it is a little sad.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Wasn’t impressed with either Pelosi or Reid as “leaders”. But the real issue is how to postitively influence, as in wake up to reality, a lobotomized society uninterested in reality?

    It begins to look like “social media” has reduced transmission of ACTUAL FACTS to a state less effective than when Mr. Revere set out on his ride, that Dawes did better.

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    denis1112  over 7 years ago

    The left ridicules fly over country on a daily basis and laments the fact that those who live there don’t vote for them.As they continue to lose seats in congress as they have since 2010.

    Those who live in fly over country must be stupid.Ask any lefty news nerd on either coast.

    Hillary won 500 counties out of 3144.Trump won the rest.

    Keep on with the same old stuff dems.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago


    Not just Dawes, but Prescott did better too. However, Revere had a better press agent in Longfellow. Beware celebrity politicians; occasionally some deserve their fame, but most get it by putting their names on things – from small town post offices to hotel chains. Back in the old days of my youth, it could be earned by bills helping people, but few are interested in that any more.

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