Bob Gorrell for October 20, 2016

  1. Missing large
    echoraven  over 7 years ago

    Islamic terror has reached our shores and Hillary wants to swat Russia. A superpower. That is stupidity, professional grade.

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  2. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Trump’s friend Putin put anti aircraft weapons in Syria to shoot down American planes. Isis has no air force.

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  3. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History


    The operators behind Guccifer and DC Leaks also appear to have recognized that American journalists were desperate for scoops, no matter their source. The Russians began to act like a PR agency, providing access to reporters at Politico, The Intercept, and BuzzFeed. Journalists were eager to help. On August 27, when part of the DC Leaks website was down for some reason, Twitter suspended the @DCLeaks account. The Daily Caller, a conservative news website, posted a story about the events, drawing an outcry from Trump supporters. Lou Dobbs, the Fox Business anchor, sneered that “leftist fascism” was throttling the last best hope for a Trump victory. Twitter soon reinstated @DCLeaks.

    The most effective outlet by far, however, was WikiLeaks. Russian intelligence likely began feeding hacked documents to Julian Assange’s “whistleblower” site in June 2015, after breaching Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry. A group called WikiSaudiLeaks, probably a Guccifer-like front for Fancy Bear, claimed that “WikiLeaks have been given access to some part of these documents.” The so-called Saudi Cables showed princes buying influence and monitoring dissidents. They became a major news story, proving that the old methods worked even better in the twenty-first century.

    On the day WikiLeaks published the first batch of Podesta’s emails, the U. S. government took the unprecedented step of announcing that it was “confident” Russia’s “seniormost officials” had authorized the DNC hacks.

    Everyone is talking about who did it," Putin said. “Is it so important?” The former KGB officer, proving his full command of U. S. political intrigue, suggested that the Democrats had “supported one in

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  4. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 7 years ago

    What I want to know is why should we value these hacked emails when there are no comparable emails from the opposite side? .I do not care if Russia is doing it or any other source. The leaks are one sided.. If Wikileaks stands for information transparency, why does it never publish any GOP leaks? Or messages that reflect favorably on ahy Democrat?. It is pathetic that our journalists never question this.

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