Chris Britt for September 22, 2016

  1. Missing large
    SHAKENDOWN  over 7 years ago

    Or penalized for having hands & arms.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Having made many arrests, including armed folks, without shooting anyone. I question a lot of shootings, including the fact that when a “bad guy” uses a motor vehicle as a weapon, and gets shot, it IS justified.

    Despite the NRA propaganda, if you look at the record, the massive increase in guns on the streets, the “Armed Citizen” is a large part of the problem, probably the largest. Police training has continued to assume folks ARE armed, because in our current world in America, the person contacted likely IS armed! That was NOT the case even up through the 1960’s.

    FEAR sells guns, and GUNS cause FEAR, not safety. Which, reading those “Armed Citizen” columns in NRA publications is enough to scare the bejesus out of anyone who’s thinking about what they’re reading! Random wild shots, and using guns as a “threat”, which even NRA “training” says NOT to do, is very, very, common in the stories.

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