Chip Bok for September 21, 2016

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    This is such a lazy and pointless cartoon.

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  2. Doc and fifi
    BWR  over 7 years ago

    Seems spot on to me. Obozo administration thinks we’re in a ‘war of narratives’ with Daesh. Morons.

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    ISIL is a poisonous, empty mythology. The right wing wishes calling it ISIS and saying the magic words “Radical Islam” would end the war (or at least fill their pockets?) Calling ISIL Islamic is playing into the hands of the jihadist group and its allies. Anti-Muslim rhetoric gives aid and comfort to ISIL, what we need is targeted intelligence to defeat the terrorists while building up trust within the Muslim communities. This idea that war against terrorists is a war against Islam is what drives up recruitment to ISIL, if you go against the entire region you are giving them what they want. Trump has a secret plan (the secret is he doesn’t have a plan) We are winning against ISIL and driving them back. Not just using right-wing PC words to fight a real war.

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    moderateisntleft  over 7 years ago

    Yes, Chip a war of narratives. And yours sucks.

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  5. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Gosh those liberals deserve all the death they can get.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    Bok has illustrated the insanity of the Obama regime’s MO in what they claim is “counter-terrorism”….a FACT given by Rush Limbaugh on his Tuesday radio program that came from former US Ambassador John Bolton via another interviewer.-“It’s a science of signals and symbols, and that’s what they do at the White House. They maneuver words around and talk in narratives. You know what ISIS does for semiotic warfare? They cut people’s heads off…..”-“….(ISIS) respect force which they’re seeing in inadequate amounts from the US at this point. So we can either have a real war against terrorism and try to DEFEAT these barbarians, or we can engage in more semiotics.”-IMO the leaders who dwell in fairytale land and reject factual analysis of Intelligence, gathered at high risk to our people, for some pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo, are encouraging global jihadists and endangering the existence of America’s system of free enterprise and liberty and guaranteed human rights. There has been 8 years of a “Christian” leader ignoring the Mideast Jihad genocide of Christians whose families have lived there since the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Obama made his #1 priority to be protecting Muslims and aiding and abetting dedicated global terrorist leaders (Iran reaping Billions in a secret no Congressional input or approval "deal). Next phase is gagging free speech and making it a criminal offense to express facts or opinions about anything Islamic! -Thank you, Chip Bok!

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    DrDon1  over 7 years ago

    How ironic! Bok draws a toon that says that Ideas are worthless!

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Two cops murdered as they sat in their patrol car in NY, others murdered when having a donut, or unarmed black men shot wth their hands up, are just as dead as the few actually killed by ISIL, and we’re killing over 30,000 people a year HERE with guns frightened cowards don’t want regulated to slow or stop the toll.

    Yes, let’s fear a group smaller than the NYPD, or maybe add in the Chicago PD if you want the world wide count on their membership and supporters. (There are far more people in identified “hate groups” right here in America btw.)

    The narrative should include intelligent solutions, in this country of fear mongering right wingers, that’s as rare as hen’s teeth.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    Thanks echoraven and BillW101. I suspect the Leftwingers are determined to be self-deluded.-Obama has prevented our military from identifying the enemy and forces them to contact the White House for permission to attack our enemies when intel locates them! By the time they get to Obama on the golf course, it is too late. Not even God’s angels could defeat ISIS and other mobile terrorists with willy-nilly drone hits, IMO.-Obama’s limp-wrist responses have helped ISIS and other groups grow and spread! Now we have Jihadi “lone wolves” living among us in America, and attacks are increasing. -Blawt, Obama is trying to give away the internet to foreign control via the UN which has no respect for America or for Israel, another terrorist target. No internet, or an internet that the regime is monitoring will shut down free speech just by intimidation! And the Left does want to gag critics of their insane policies, one way or another. -Wolf, the USA has always tried to help and aid and protect others, that is why our military fought in WW1 and WW2 and Korea and Nam and elsewhere. But Obama has “transformed” our protection from helping those of our culture and Judeo-Christian brothers to helping those of an Islamic culture who refuse to assimilate Into our culture as refugees, taking advantage of our tolerance while their warriors wage ambush and terror killings. Mideast Christians are turned away from US facilities and must fend for themselves while the mass graves increase. Islam harbors those who are cruel and full of hate, even to Muslims that are the wrong tribe or who displease the local tyrants. World news is full of their evil acts.

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  10. Official state of new hampshire tartan
    Moxie  over 7 years ago

    You need to read Clausewitz & Sun Tzu. Your grasp of war is naive & one dimensional.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    Bravo, Tim Gilley!-Actually, this Islamic persecution of Christians is an ancient and historical and political problem the Western culture is and has faced. -Bush, the UK and 30 other governments allied in response to Iraqi Saddam H’s attack on American and British planes flying overhead, enforcing a UN SANCTION on Iraq.-The persecution began against Iraqi Christians soon after Saddam was ousted from his control of Iraq. The persecution has been ongoing and has spread wherever Islamic Jihad has moved in and begun their bloody work. Bush didn’t do anything to protect Christians, that I have seen in the news.-Obama has ignored the plight of Christian refugees since day one in the oval office. His concern is protecting Muslims.And Muslims’ persecution of Christians prevents UN refugee help because no refugee aid camp is safe for a Christian.- article on a Christian website reports that Hungary is the only national government todate that opened an office in 2016 to address the persecution of Christians in the Mideast and in Europe….(where millions of Muslim refugees were “planted” and have not assimilated into western culture and have brought terrorists with them that are disrupting the peace in everywhere Muslims are.)-Now Hungary is a top target of ISIS and others. -Christians are persecuted now in 81 nations of the world plus 200 million Christians live in areas of discrimination. Their lives are threatened by radical religious ideology followers, namely, Global Islamic Jihadists.-This is an important reason for a defensive war, one to rescue Christians and other minority religious people, from a fate the free world ignored in the 1930s of Nazi persecution of Jewish citizens. (A shameful history for any nation that honors Judeo-Christians.-The US Constitution is not against our government defending Christians and minorities…..liberals and Democrats have supported our government defending Muslims who are under attack by terrorists!

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