Jeff Danziger for September 15, 2016

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    billsarar  over 7 years ago

    In Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers” (novel), one could not vote unless one had served a tour of government service, usually military. Lately, that seems more sensible. Donnie never served, he’s out and Hilary never served, she would have never been Secretary of anything, also out. The notion of “Citizen by birth” was questioned. Unless one served, one was just a resident national, unable to vote or hold office.Baslim knows…

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    KenseidenXL  over 7 years ago

    That would mean not voting for Hillary, because she has no problem sending other people’s kids off to die for a lie.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Part of the reason we have so many wars is the “other” one percent never fight in them. Mandatory service there might help with that problem.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I always liked the idea of a couple of years of manditory government service for everybody. It would be a good source of cheap person power to get a lot of things done (Think WPA or the Peace corps), It would get the kids out into the world before they had to start making the tough career choices, and it would help make them self reliant and learn how to cooperate with others.

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  5. Brownbearscratch1
    bwsevier Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I’ve always felt that all citizens should be required 2 years of service (government or volunteer) after high school before allowing to continue with education or work – those 2 years make a huge maturity difference, and expose people to other views, cultures and diversity.

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    Combatcarl  over 7 years ago

    I served (26 years) and I vote. I am still waiting for a candidate to reign in the military-industrial complex…the biggest reason we have perpetual wars.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Well, as long as you limit it to jobs that can actually be done by people who don’t need to have much knowledge of what they are doing. Volunteer teachers are actually destructive, I know that for a fact, having seen them operate. I’m also not open to the idea of volunteer cops, firemen or medical workers. Assistants in all of those areas, however, could be quite a good idea.

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    NWdryad  over 7 years ago

    Well—given the two people we can choose from, I’m sorry to say it probably won’t do any good.

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    scaeva Premium Member over 7 years ago

    And vote for whom? Both of those maniacs will get you killed, and won’t get the worth of your blood and suffering for it.

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    ForALaugh Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Which I do and that’s why I’m voting for the sane one… Hillary.

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  11. Piggy
    BubbleTape Premium Member over 7 years ago

    valid, certainly, but governing a country is more than its wars (or ideally – peace). for example, more women are killed by domestic violence than all soldiers and u.s. civilians in the iraq and afghanstan wars/conflicts combined. So, how about voting with them in mind as well.

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    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    “Welcom home”, brother Jeff.

    It is only a request to put yourself in their metaphorical, not literal shoes. Learn and know what they suffer, just ask a few, or volunteer to VA and help a few at the same time.

    As a disabled vet, with a disabled vet son, I wouldn’t ask all to serve in our endless wars as a soldier. I would instead ask for volunteers in all the NGOs and other opportunities to PREVENT OUR ENTRY INTO MORE WARS!!

    Nobody hates wars more than those who were “good at it”. We were good at it. Being against war, especially stupid illegal ones is NOT “pacifist”. DEMANDING that our leaders provide SOUND, FACTUAL, and SERIOUS PROOFS for our being attacked by a foreign governmental agency, “nation”, not a band of criminals and psychos, will limit our involvement in irrational military conflicts.

    Treating criminals as criminals, when on an international platform, may indeed however be sound reason for using the death penalty when the evidence indicates. That is neither “war”, nor an irrational way to resolve the “problem”. We just have a poor record of picking out who the “bad guys” are in regard the criminals. More need still for thought, and serious examination of cause and effect…

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    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    That is why I’m voting for Clinton, she doesn’t insult Gold-star families. She doesn’t insult POWs. She doesn’t equate losing a child to war with building a building.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    Darsan54That is the system in most northwestern European countries. Granted, they have socialist governments, but they also have a higher standard of living and educational level. We have maternal mortality a significant cause of death in that age group. We have abysmal numbers fluent in their own language, while in Switzerland, one must be fluent in their own, another (of the four) official languages, and one other (generally English) just to graduate.

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    mamajock.kimi  over 7 years ago

    In all the wars America has fought since 1865, the ONLY one in which our military was ACTUALLY defending US was World War II. And even then, Japan only attacked Pearl Harbor and the Philippines so they would have a free hand in Southeast Asia. In every OTHER war we’ve sent our military to fight they haven’t been defending the U.S., but rather someone else. So “fighting America’s wars” is HARDLY “defending our country.” So get off THAT frigging soapbox.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    billsararHeinlein is noted as one of the more fascist SF writers this side of Rand..ChevJames007As apparently did the majority of otherwise qualified males of that period did. Legitimate deferments permitted it. Not really dodging. I “landed” in Canada with an intact 5A draft card, following the underground railroad built by those with legitimate deferments their draft board refused to recognize, or who got tired of killing civilians. .At that time, there were 2,000 of them in the Lower Mainland (metropolitan Vancouver), but I never knowingly met any. Granted, it is not exactly how you start a conversation, but especially after the 1976 UN Conference, I overheard a lot in classes on appropriate technology, talking about their “war stories”, were female, or were too old like me. We lost a great generation to war deaths, post traumatic stress, or other countries.

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  17. Tough
    vorpal7  over 7 years ago

    Damn skippy! Vote Trump!

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    lostinbago  over 7 years ago

    That’s to be expected when you have perpetual wars the majority have opposed their start. Majority follows the warmongers AFTER their children are in combat.

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    Moxie  over 7 years ago

    Semper Fi

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    lesmcf  over 7 years ago

    I would NEVER vote for a “draft dodger.” Trump, I believe, did it three times.

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