Lisa Benson for September 14, 2016

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    Kit Jeans  over 7 years ago

    Lisa—you obviously haven’t been listening to what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    @Kit Jeans…you obviously haven’t been listening to what comes out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth!-HRC is leading the demonization and isolation by invective and false accusations, of her opponent DJTrump and his supporter-voters. That is a Nazi tactic, get the know-nothing public to shun a certain group until they achieve a Holocaust of physical or cultural rejection.-And can any poster explain to me, what sort of person looks at the American Public and sorts people into BASKETS?In the Bible, the only Basket holding a person is God’s Ephah/basket of Judgment of an EVIL female leader whose base was Babel and Babylon, symbol of Satan’s earthly kingdom: Zechariah chapter 5/Revelation chapter 18.-Like the book in the New Testament, Acts, first church members were called “Christians” as an insult, and they happily accepted that label…..I already see Trump supporters wearing T-Shirts “I’m a Deplorable For Trump”….and Hillary has mud all over her hateful face, IMO.

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    HabaneroBuck  over 7 years ago

    Lisa did numerous toons that mocked Trump; she’s more than entitled to lob it back.

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    3pibgorn9  over 7 years ago

    Aye. Suffice to say, that half may not be “deplorable,” but some sure are.

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    denis1112  over 7 years ago

    My dislike of Trump is a small thing next to my dislike of the crooked Clinton’s.There is a lot of video of Hillary lying.Then the next day she lies about lying the day before.Even when she says one thing on video when asked a question ,then later says something else and says that wasn’t what she said before.The easily duped say there is no proof that she is lying.Too bad about those video’s.How does FOX get her and other dims to say those things on video?I will not be voting FOR anyone.I will be voting against Billary.

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    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Hillary DID say the other component of Trump supporters are good people confused and frightened by the rhetoric from his camp, and ignorant of too many truths, thanks to “media”, social and commercial.

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    retpost  over 7 years ago

    I agree it`s a know-nothing public.

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    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    The feeling is mutual, they have known Clinton was deplorable before she even made it out of the White House as the first lady. Those basket-dwellers have been trying to find something to stick to her for a very long time. Even though their made up scandals are not true. They fell that Clinton is deplorable. If they are in that basket, they are racist, bigoted, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic. she didn’t say it was all Trump supporters, but the ones who are so upset may want to question why they are supporting racists? Is it deplorable to point out someone is racist? Or is it deplorable to be racist?

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    E. Cobb  over 7 years ago

    The depiction of the basket is quite interesting here, and could be interpreted different ways. What Lisa intended, I do not know. However, here’s two possible meanings:

    1. Trumps supporters are “going to Hell in a handbasket”, an old phrase, possibly dating back to the days of the guillotine and the head being caught in a basket after the execution.

    2. Trumps supporters are a “basket case”, used as a psychological metaphor to indicate mental illness.

    Either interpretation would actually be pro-Hillary, which seems unlikely in this context.

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    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    Those signs are nothing like the ones I keep seeing. Where’s the obscenities? Where’s the misogyny? Where are the misspelled words? Whitewashing Trump. What a noble calling.

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    planeman  over 7 years ago

    Interesting there are only two people in the basket with slightly browner skin.How is it that someone playing on the fears of hispanics, muslims and “those people” is the uniter among us?It seems those who deplore Hillary have come to the conclusion that she did something terrible, we just haven’t found it of yet.If people do not stand up to the alt-right movement, the white supremacy movement and all the other toxic deplorable groups among us and supports the one who embraces them, they are no better than the people they aid in gaining power. The GOP was a once proud and honest party. It has now evolved into the divisiveness of ’southern strategy, religious oneupmanship, ant-LGBT hatred, anti-labor and many other splinters to make their base. In making such a toxic base, the party has become debased. It is clear the Republican Party leaders feel the good of the Party is more important than what is good for America. This comes from one who identified as a Republican in my youth.Maybe if the party comes to its senses that could be my identity in the future.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    Steve/Zodiac…your post does not explain why Hillary, candidate for President of the USA, sorts people/groups into (her own words) BASKETS.-Uncle Joe….I did not post that Hillary is a Nazi. I said she is using the same tactic of publicly isolating and ridiculing and rejection of all people who disagree with Hillary’s “PC” convictions.-@papasan….I opposed Obama before the 2008 election, and my reason had ZERO to do with his skin color, because my Bible clearly says every child of Adam, every human, is “Family” and of one type of blood…Acts 17:26. My opposition is and was, now more strongly, due to his extreme leftwing positions on abortion for any excuse, even if his daughters were involved, and his scoff-law and unconstitutional abuse of power by creating “new law” by one man’s “executive orders”….unopposed by anyone in D.C., not even the opposing party, the spineless GOP in office the last 8 years. Papasan, you assume too much, without reason.

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    starcandles Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Democrats base everything on skin color. Their people for their conventions are picked according to skin color, sexual orientation & gender. Quotas in this day & age! They are true racists, & have contempt for most people because they feel people cannot manage their own lives without “Big Brother”, aka "more governmental control. They hate individualism & their own country. When picking the “best qualified person for a job” is now deemed racist & a “micro-aggression”, I pray people open their eyes to the truth about Democrats.

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  14. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 7 years ago

    Our local paper seems to like Lisa. Her toons usually show up on the editorial page the very next day after showing here.

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  15. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 7 years ago

    American politics seems to have devolved into two tribes, and my tribe must prevail, regardless of the welfare of the nation..Just got a stock market report that predicts disaster if Trump wins:.“The next obvious threat is the U.S. presidential election. If Donald Trump wins, the impact on the financial markets will be deeper and longer-lasting than what we saw with Brexit.

    Quite simply, the man is a potential disaster. He is just too volatile to be trusted with that much power. Even if he turns out to be more stable than he appears to be at the moment, he’s too much of a loose cannon for the markets to tolerate.".The report goes on to predict a 20% drop in the stock market if Trump wins and gold prices will go through the roof.

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