Clay Jones for September 13, 2016

  1. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member over 7 years ago

    What is to be done? Nuke North Korea?

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I don’t know why China just doesn’t “extend it’s sphere of influence” over North Korea. I don’t think anybody would mind very much if the buried Kim.

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  3. Missing large
    Comicsfan222  over 7 years ago

    So, Mr. Jones, what is YOUR plan?Didn’t think so.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Not to worry.Trump has the answer (surprise).

    He’ll just ‘turn it over to China’.Problem solved.

    Putin America First.

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    scyphi26  over 7 years ago

    While I agree the currently proposed course of retaliation against N Korea’s latest nuke test probably isn’t going to stop them anymore than previous stern warnings, the only other course of action I could think of is to fight back, and I thought the world was getting a little war weary as of late.

    Besides, part of the reason N Korea keeps toeing lines is precisely because they perceive the rest of us as a legitimate threat. If we actually do fight back, we’ll only be proving them right, and then what would we have accomplished? After what happened in Iraq, I can’t help but think it’ll only cause more problems down the road.

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  6. Wrong
    BaltoBill  over 7 years ago

    This ’toon is dated. S. Korea threatened to bomb Pyongyang into Oblivion just yesterday, and today the US flew B52 bombers low over Pyongyang in a show of force, and Russia threatened them 2 days ago.

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    pcolli  over 7 years ago

    There’s something about “sin” and “casting stones” in the back of my mind

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  8. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Kim love Trump long time.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    MacArthur wanted to nuke the north, and he was fired for it. North Korean conventional artillery can already hit downtown Seoul. WE keep putting on “war games” off the North Korean coast far north of the DMZ due to the weird line the cease fire laid down at sea around the North. The antagonism is NOT one-sided. Also, our “fearless” leader (and deserter)Bush cancelled an agreement with the North for supplying “huanitarian” aid, like food, and ticked ’em off, with good cause.

    Anyone got an idea what would result if EITHER side actually released nukes on the penninsula? There’s also no proof the North has the throw weight to get their current level of “bomb” to go very far.

    But looked at another way, if we elect Trump, North Korea and the US will have leaders who are equally nuts. NOT good to contemplate. Remember, Trump’s already said he’d blow Iranian boats out of the water and start WW III if one of their sailors flipped the bird to one of our deck crew folks.

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  10. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    The South Korean military has reportedly taken a zero-tolerance stance towards North Korea and plans to raze Pyongyang with a pre-emptive missile barrage if it suspects the North intends to launch a nuclear assault.The U.S. has a bigger arsenal than North Korea could possibly hope to create. Would there be anything left of North Korea if they tried to move on South Korea, Japan or US?

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    kurtzwicky said, 20 minutes agoWhen I looked earlier his? comment was gone, now it is back. Unlike you I like free speech. That’s the stuff you don’t like to hear or read. We sharpen our skills that way.

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  12. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Grover Cleveland had a cancerous tumor removed from his mouth that required not just artificial teeth, but a prosthetic jaw to speak, and he continued to govern (though the entire procedure was done in secret on a yacht. These were the decades before network news and TMZ). Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke which left him partially paralyzed while in office, which was also kept secret. Franklin Roosevelt was handicapped and guided our nation through the Great Depression and victory in a world war fought on two fronts. Ike suffered a heart attack while in office and kept governing. Ford couldn’t walk the steps of Air Force One without falling down. Reagan was shot, nearly died, reelected, and governed through Alzheimers disease. George H.W. Bush threw up on the Japanese prime minister. His son, George W., almost died in office because he can’t chew his food. Yet for some reason having pneumonia is a deal breaker for the presidency. Never mind the fact that her opponent hasn’t released any serious health records, at least none better than you can get from a barber working out of a van in a strip mall.- Clay Jones

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